UAE ambassador says members received 'concerning' update on West Bank violence in private session, the third emergency meet since Netanyahu established government 2 months ago

Israel's Erdan blasts ICJ probe as 'war of multilateral terror,' while Riyad Mansour says retaliatory measures by Jerusalem 'strike at heart' of world order

Pro-Palestinian resolution lamenting Israel's birth passes 90-30, as Israeli envoy blasts move as a 'disgrace' and unveils display about Jewish expulsions from Mideast countries

Riyad Mansour blasts United Nations partition plan on its 75th anniversary; Israeli representative unveils display on 'Jewish Nakba'

Secretary-General Guterres says 'driver of conflict' is Israeli occupation; Palestinian envoy says international community must put an end to 'colonization and settler terrorism'

Tor Wennesland says expanding Palestinian population will soon make conflict unmanageable; US envoy also expresses concern, while criticizing UN's 'lopsided' focus on Israel

PA president presents letter to UN chief in meeting ahead of General Assembly, pushing initiative that is doomed to fail given US plan to block it in Security Council

Ramallah would need Biden to forgo Security Council veto, though that would mean stripping UN of funding; PLO says DC mulling proposal, but State Department hints odds are low

As Lapid praises Sissi, Cairo's envoy to UN laments 'martyrs' killed, Israeli 'desecration of al-Aqsa,' calls for end to Israeli blockade and says Israel responsible for Strip

UAE is one of nations initiating meeting, expressing 'deep concern' over violence; Jordanian FM decries Israel's 'aggression' in Strip, warns against Temple Mount 'provocations'
