Amir Ohana questions claim that Yaqoub Abu Al-Qia’an was shot during attack at Umm al-Hiran, as PM's allies seize on report alleging coverup by ex-prosecutor

Miki Zohar also demands that attorney general probe officials named in report; justice minister says he accepts state prosecution's denial of misconduct

PM calls report 'shocking' and an 'atom bomb' that proves the corruption cases against him are a conspiracy, right-wing lawmakers call for investigations into allegations

Roni Alsheich says the premier's bluster against the justice system at the opening of his trial made him 'fear for my children and grandchildren'

Motti Cohen, who's been commissioner since December 2018, tells brass he's staying put for now; public security minister expected to ask ministers to extend his tenure

In interview promoting new book, Roni Alsheich says only question is whether PM will manage to grant himself immunity; hopes he'll will resign long before verdict

Alsheich, who led the probes of the PM, says 'shocking' that few lawmakers stood up for AG after he was called an alleged criminal by Likud minister: 'This is mafia-like behavior'

Dismissing any equation between Netanyahu's imminent graft trial and a new probe into a firm Gantz chaired, Blue and White No. 2 says he truly believes his party can win next week

Attorney general pushes back after Blue and White head questions timing of investigation into company he once led, shortly before the elections; says no elected officials suspected

Blue and White chief questions timing of decision to probe company he once led, shortly before the elections; though not named as suspect, police said weighing phone search
