Group seeking to keep alive memory of Ruhollah Zam calls for France to condition nuclear talks on Tehran's 'cessation of killings and brutal repression of political dissidents'

Iran agents researched ways to move Masih Alinejad, including whisking her from New York to Tehran-allied Venezuela by boat; White House condemns 'despicable' scheme

Ruhollah Zam, hanged last year for 'sowing corruption' and allegedly spying for France and Israel, was tricked into traveling to Iraq and detained by Revolutionary Guard

Islamic Republic executes man convicted of fatal stabbing in a brawl when he was just 16, fourth juvenile offender to be put to death in country this year

US and Germany accuse the Islamic Republic of abducting Ruhollah Zam abroad to try him for role in anti-regime protests

Organizers delay event after ambassadors from several EU states say they won't take part, in protest of hanging of Ruhollah Zam

Iranian president vows to avenge assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, but says Tehran will not allow Israel to decide the ‘time or venue’ of its retaliation

Representatives from France and Germany called in to foreign ministry after statements by bloc members condemning abduction and execution of Ruhollah Zam

Ruhollah Zam is hanged months after he returned to Tehran from France under unclear circumstances

Not clear when Ruhollah Zam’s sentence will be carried out, but he can appeal and judiciary chief can order a retrial if he finds it violates Shariah law
