New complex will mostly provide consular services, in agreement that provides solution to longstanding dispute over plot

Parliament's lower house ratifies partial withdrawal from New START treaty; deputy head of Russia's Security Council threatens nuclear strike if pushed by West

After Netanyahu tells CNN he is considering supplying military aid to Kyiv, Kremlin threatens weapons will be targeted and asserts move will lead to 'escalation of this crisis'

Meeting Abbas, PA officials say Israeli practices will cause ‘further deterioration,’ make no mention of Jerusalem terror shootings, including deadly attack feted by Palestinians

Ukrainian leader says he updated PM on war with Russia, earlier lamented world's 'weak' response so far to Lavrov's claim that Hitler had Jewish blood

Ukrainian leader laments world's 'weak' response so far to Lavrov's claim that Hitler had Jewish blood

Leaning into incendiary claim that Jerusalem is backing 'neo-Nazis' in Kyiv, Russian Foreign Ministry alleges Israelis are 'practically shoulder to shoulder' with Azov Regiment

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman slams Michael Brodsky's 'flirting' after he suggests to capital's mayor that some public places be named for those who saved Jews in Holocaust

Moscow's foreign ministry accuses FM of 'anti-Russian attack,' claims Israel using invasion of Ukraine to 'distract' from conflict with Palestinians

Moscow says sorties are 'a crude violation of Syria’s sovereignty' and could cause tensions to escalate; Russia recently began joint military jet patrols with Syrian air force
