Rabbi left Russia after its invasion of Ukraine, had been pressured to support the war; community source says his contract was not renewed due to safety concerns

Organizers claim Russia and Belarus withdrew four months ago, a day after UK's Jewish News highlighted website entry showing Russia to play Ukraine in women's beach volleyball

Yaakov Kedmi suggests Russia could deploy its hypersonic Zircon missile against Great Britain, saying 'about 50 or 60' of its power stations would 'be gone in 10 minutes'

In rare internal criticism, Berel Lazar calls diplomat's false claims of Nazi dictator's Jewish roots 'shocking'

After war in Ukraine broke out, Motl Gordon moved to Israel where he's working with Russian-speaking Jews 'as they are' to nurture a vision of an audaciously welcoming new diaspora

The group is simultaneously dealing with strict government laws on speech, a Russian support base crippled by sanctions, and potential Western donors who want stronger condemnation

Country's most successful pop diva and TV host husband said to be living in Caesarea with two children; unclear if family, with Jewish ties, plans to immigrate

Speaking to ToI despite the threat of prison time for criticizing Russia, a Jewish physician discusses life, medicine, and the future, in a country yet to internalize its isolation

Scientists decry rejection of papers by Russian scholars and cancellation of concerts by Russian performers, as many experience 'shame by virtue of being Russian'

Devastating sanctions coupled with a crackdown on freedom of speech are causing Russians to move, but the mass exodus worsens already lengthy waiting periods for would-be emigres
