Joint List tries to build solidarity with Jewish 'marginalized communities,' with multi-language posters appealing to ultra-Orthodox, Ethiopian-origin and Russian-speaking Israelis

Though immigration from the former Soviet Union peaked in the 1990s, the cuisine is slowly -- but surely -- entering the Jewish state's culinary mainstream

First Jewish house of worship built following the Holocaust, which only 200 of the country's 90,000 Jews survived, fulfills an essential function, but is subject to seasonal woes

'The Putin aliyah'? Immigration hits highs not seen since the early 2000s, as the Jewish state is seen as a haven from economic woes, crime, and rising illiberalism

Stats show that a strong but overlooked demographic is beginning to wield some clout at the ballot box, but if leaders want their vote, they're going to have to give something back

Yisrael Beytenu head responds with derogatory quote about Netanyahu made by former prime minister Yitzhak Shamir in 2000
