Zinger, a partner at law firm Herzog Fox & Neeman, has been confirmed as chairman of the Israel Securities Authority, following the approval of the appointments committee

Current IDF deputy head to take up post in January, when outgoing top soldier Aviv Kohavi's tenure ends

Current deputy head expected to take up post in January, when Kohavi's tenure ends; Gantz says cabinet approval likely to take place Sunday

Former Supreme Court judge appointed temporary chair of senior appointments committee for sole purpose of reviewing Herzi Halevi's candidacy for chief of staff

Elyakim Rubinstein agrees to helm Senior Appointments Advisory Committee on ad-hoc basis, day after top court struck down selection of permanent appointee with elections nearing

Attorney general had sought to install Menahem Mazuz as permanent chair of the Senior Appointments Advisory Committee, despite looming elections

Opponents say interim government shouldn't be allowed to make such key appointment; Gali Baharav-Miara says installing judge temporarily could erode committee's independence

Noting government's caretaker status, justices question why former top judge Mazuz, selected to lead appointments committee, shouldn't get a temporary posting only

Interior Minister Shaked fails to block former AG and Supreme Court justice; move has raised intense ire in opposition

Borovsky's name reportedly came up during talks on who will head force; public security minister denies report, as does PM's office