Incident in Minneapolis suburb points to risk of using video conferencing in Conservative shuls, which are otherwise barred from using electronics on Sabbath

Former head of WHO's emergencies department says outbreak is a 'random event' caused by parties in Spain and Belgium

Rachel Krantz's new book 'Open' breaks the glass wall of taboo while serving as a guide for self-liberation and avoiding gaslighting in any relationship

Hundreds of thousands of people listen to programs that are providing reliable and relatable content

In an extremely frank conversation, Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus busts myths and recommends reimagining androcentric ideas of what sex really is

Many who undergo cardiac events fear bursts of physical exertion, but regular sexual activity improves self-perception and is linked to better survival rates, 3-decade study finds

Although he never became a household name like Freud, sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld fought to decriminalize homosexuality and improve LGBTQ healthcare

Israelis respond with snark to PM's video cautioning supporters not to be complacent

Patients who have sex once a week had a 37% lower mortality rate than those who abstain, Israeli study finds