The sheloshim of the 14-year-old boy who was killed by his father during a psychotic fit took place on Sunday and for the first time words of preida were read in the name of the father. The boy’s uncle read the words that the father had expressed from the locked psychiatric ward, to the sound of the profuse weeping of the relatives. “Shauli, my bechor, my beloved, the boy that I was so close to,” the uncle read in the name of the father.

Audrey Strauss, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and William F. Sweeney Jr., Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), announced new charges against NACHMAN HELBRANS, MAYER ROSNER, YAKOV WEINGARTEN, SHMIEL WEINGARTEN, and YOIL WEINGARTEN for conspiring to (1) transport a minor with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity, and (2) travel with intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct, in connection with the kidnapping of a 14-year-old girl (“Minor-1”) from New York to reunite her with her adult “husband” outside the United States for purposes of continuing their sexual relationship.

Israir Airlines and Tourism Ltd. announced that it is stopping the operation of flights on Shabbos, Globes reported. The move comes four months after the acquisition of the airline by supermarket mogul Rami Levy and Shalom Chaim through BGI investments. Both men are Shomer Shabbos. ” I’m a religious Jew, shomer Shabbat, and all my businesses are closed on Shabbat,” Chaim told Globes. “We respect those who observe Shabbos, and this is not a personal whim of mine, it’s the DNA of Judaism.” “On the business side, we’re at the examination stage. We’ll examine the economic implications of reducing activity on Shabbat. We want to reach a situation in which there’s a weekly day of rest for the pilots as well.

The Biden administration abruptly closed a shelter in Houston for unaccompanied migrant girls this weekend. ABC News reports there were multiple allegations, including girls being forced to spend most of their day on cots and having to use plastic bags to relieve themselves. One can’t help but be reminded of a statement by Biden Press Secretary Jen Psaki who was asked in February about something Former President Trump had said. “We don’t take our advice or counsel from former President Trump on immigration policy”, Psaki said. “We’re gonna chart our own path forward, and that includes treating children with humanity and respect….” That seems to include forcing children to relieve themselves in plastic bags.

Israel Police arrested two 19-year old Arabs from east Jerusalem who attacked a yeshivah bochur near Sha’ar Shechem, videoing the incident and then fleeing the scene. Lt. Col. Sami Marciano, a police commander in Jerusalem, is concerned by the growing trend of Arabs from east Jerusalem attacking religious Jews and uploading videos of the scenes on social media, Channel 20 reported. “Publishing [the videos] creates an atmosphere and motivates young people,” he said. “It creates a desire to join the trend. Social media is scene onto itself. We’re working to monitor videos of criminal acts.” Below is another Tiktok video of an Arab throwing a rock on a passing bus. במדינה מתוקנת, לא היו מעיזים לעלות דבר כזה.חייבים להתעשת!

The tragic incident that occurred last week in northern Israel when a young woman died of an allergic reaction after being served a milchig dessert in a kosher fleishig restaurant also brought up serious kashrus concerns. MK Moshe Arbel (Shas) sent a letter to Rav Rafi Yochai, the administrator of the kashrus fraud department at the Chief Rabbinate, in the wake of the incident, demanding answers. “This severe incident is still being investigated by the police…and the restaurant has meanwhile been closed,” Arbel wrote. “Nevertheless, the incident must also be examined by the Chief Rabbinate.” “It can’t be that a fleishig restaurant with a kashrus certificate serves milchig desserts.

Anonymous Israeli officials conveyed dismay over what they termed “complete American capitulation” in the ongoing talks in Vienna with Iran on resuming the 2015 nuclear deal, Israel Hayom reported on Sunday. Israel has received information that the six world powers, the United States, China, Russia, Great Britain, France and Germany, are close to signing a deal with Iran on returning to the 2015 nuclear deal. Iran will not even be required to destroy the new advanced centrifuges it built and will merely have to “disconnect” them. Other violations of the original deal that are difficult to reverse will also be ignored.

The rash of attacks by Arabs on religious Jews continues and on Sunday afternoon, HaRav Eliyahu Mali, Rosh Yeshivah of Shiras Moshe in Yafo and a well-known personality in the city, was attacked by two Arabs on Sunday afternoon. The yeshivah’s administrator, who was accompanying Rav Mali, was also beaten, with both men punched and kicked by the Arabs. Rav Mali and the administrator were on the way to purchase an apartment for the yeshivah. The owner of the property is Jewish but when the men arrived, a number of Arabs surrounded them and ordered them to leave the area. The men refused and when one of them pulled out his cell phone to video the Arabs, they began beating them. Both men were evacuated to Sheba Hospital for treatment.

Following the incident in which a 14-year-old yeshivah bochur was slapped on the face by an Arab on the Jerusalem light rail, there have been several additional incidents of Chareidim being attacked or harassed by Arabs, with some of the incidents documented by the Arabs involved and posted on TikTok. Over the weekend, Israel Police arrested a resident of east Jerusalem who threw a Chareidi man to the ground, later posting a video of the incident on TikTok and other social media platforms. Another video posted on TikTok shows Arabs throwing rocks at a Chareidi man on Friday night by Sha’ar Shechem, leaving the man with bleeding wounds. הבן אדם פשוט מדמם, יכל להיגמר באסון, מטורף.

Police are investigating a hit-and-run in Williamsburg on Motzei Shabbos. At around 10:30PM, a minivan parked on Wythe Avenue and Rutledge Street backed into five pedestrians. One person was taken to the hospital by Williamsburg Hatzolah. The driver of the vehicle fled the scene. But was this just an accident with a driver who had no drivers license or insurance – the reason for most hit-and-run’s? Security camera footage shows a disturbing scene. In the videos below, viewers see the minivan arriving and parking just in front of a crosswalk. The driver is seen getting out, looking around, and appears to be waiting for people to get behind him wait to cross. He then backs his vehicle straight into them.
