In the wake of the ongoing Arab riots and attacks on Jews in Jerusalem in recent days, and the fact that the perpetrators have been specifically targeting Chareidi Jews, Rosh Yeshivas Mir HaGaon HaRav Eliezer Yehudah Finkel issued a letter of warning to his talmidim on Motzei Shabbos. “In our many sins, our holy city is currently suffering a difficult period,” the Rosh Yeshivah wrote. “Haters of Israel are perpetrating attacks against Jews on our streets and the violent and dangerous riots have encroached on the area near the yeshivah and has become deadly riots that pose an actual danger to life. Hashem Yisbarach should send a refuah sheleimah to all those injured.” “We are herby clarifying the magnitude of the danger involved in approaching these places,” the letter continued.

A well-known American family living in the French Hill neighborhood of Jerusalem have been revealed as Christian missionaries, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported on Sunday morning. The father of the family served as a Sofer Stam, writing tefillin, mezuzos, and Sifrei Torah, and identified as a Kohen, even serving as the Kohen for firstborn babies, and has even married couples. The children of the family were enrolled in neighborhood chadarim and Bais Yaakov schools. In fact, apparently, people first became suspicious of the family when one of the children began speaking about Christianity in school. Following a thorough investigation by askanim it’s been revealed that the family made aliyah to Israel from the US with forged documents.

Following the firing of 36 rockets from the Gaza Strip overnight Friday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said to prepare for “any scenario” from the Gaza Strip. Another rocket was fired on Motzei Shabbos, triggering sirens in Sderot and nearby communities. The projectile was intercepted by the Iron Dome. Netanyahu convened the security cabinet for an emergency meeting in the wake of the escalation on the southern border as well as the situation in Jerusalem, as clashes between Arab rioters and police continue. “I ordered preparations for every scenario,” Netanyahu said after the meeting.

The following statement was given to YWN by Hatzalah of South Florida: חֽ ְסֵ֤די יְהוָה כּי לא ת ְמנוּ כּי לא־כ֖לוּ רחָמֽיו We are pleased to announce the passage of HB805 in the Florida House of Representatives earlier today. This brings us one more giant step forward towards being able to serve our communities as a full fledged EMS provider. הוא ברוך הקדוש, In His Infinite Kindness, has shown us open miracles during this entire process – too many to count. We take this opportunity to publicly thank His messengers in the Legislature, the bill sponsors and the representatives who stood for what they know to be just and right against tremendous opposition and pressure to vote in favor of this bill. We are proud to call each one of them our friends.

Israel’s unique “melting pot” population, lending it a wide demographic diversity, was the ultimate factor in Pfizer’s decision to choose Israel as the “test nation” for its coronavirus vaccines, Yisrael Hayom revealed on Wednesday. In the course of about 30 phone conversations between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla in January, Netanyahu tried to persuade Bourla that Israel would be the ideal “test nation” for its new coronavirus vaccines. Bourla was initially considering using Estonia as a test case nation but Netanyahu, along with former US Ambassador to the US Ron Dermer (who was replaced by Gilad Erdan in January), convinced Bourla that Israel was the better choice.

On the background of numerous Arab attacks on Jews in recent days and a night of clashes between Arabs, Jews and police officers on Thursday night, a Chareidi man accidentally drove into the Wadi Jouz neighborhood in east Jerusalem. Arabs began throwing rocks at his car and he tried to escape by foot but a large group of Arabs immediately surrounded him, violently punching and kicking him on every part of his body. His car was set on fire and burned. Israel Police evacuated him to the hospital. At this time, there is no information on his condition. תיעוד נוסף של חרדי שהותקף באלימות קשה סמוך לשער שכם. — ידידיה אפשטיין ‏ (@yedidya_epshtei) April 23, 2021 אירוע חמור מאוד בואדי ג'וז הערב. נהג יהודי נקלע לאזור , נרגם באבנים וניסה להימלט.

As YWN published earlier, a massive police presence was at Sha’ar Shechem on Thursday night, and police went on high alert fearing a night of violence. As was anticipated, violent clashes erupted. Dozens of people were injured as Palestinian protesters confronted hundreds of Israelis who marched to the scene. Police, trying to keep the groups apart, also clashed with the Palestinians, who threw rocks and bottles at the officers. Officers used riot dispersal means including stun grenades, tear gas and water cannons to break up the Arab protestors, the sounds from the explosions rolling across the center of the capital. ​ At least 100 Palestinians were injured, including 21 who were hospitalized, the Palestinian Red Crescent said.

Yeshivah bochurim told Kikar H’Shabbat that they’re scared to walk the streets of Jerusalem following encounters with violent Arab youths. Bochurim from Yeshivas Yad Aharon in Katamon said that they went for a walk by the Tayelet (Haas promenade) on Wednesday night at 11:30 p.m.and encountered three Arabs in their 20s. One of the Arabs kicked one of the bochurim. The bochurim began running away and the Arabs chased after them while throwing stones and sticks at them. “B’Chasdei Shamayim, the bochurim managed to escape with only minor injuries,” one of the bochurim said. “But the day before, other bochurim from the yeshivah were beaten up by a different group of Arabs.” “During Ramadan, the Arabs come out against the Jews and especially against young teens.

As nuclear talks in Vienna continue, the tension between Israel and the Biden administration continues to grow, Axios reported on Wednesday. Both sides are frustrated about a “lack of trust, coordination, and transparency,” the report said. US and Israeli officials met for a second round of virtual strategic talks on Iran two days after the explosion at the Natanz nuclear site last week. During the meeting, Israel’s National Security Adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat complained that the US wasn’t taking Israel’s concerns into consideration during its talks in Vienna, two Israeli officials told Axios. The US then complained that Israel was conducting strikes against Iran without fully informing Washington. But according to the Israeli officials, the US was notified in advance.

A Bangladeshi immigrant was sentenced Thursday to life in prison after he set off a homemade pipe bomb in a tunnel between Times Square and Port Authority in December 2017, an act that federal prosecutors noted was “one of the few completed terror attacks in New York City since 9/11.” The best-case scenario for defendant Akayed Ullah’s was 35 years behind bars, but Judge Richard Sullivan opted for life in prison. The sentence was handed down after Akayed Ullah apologized in court, saying what he did was wrong. “I can tell you from the bottom of my heart I’m deeply sorry for what I did,” Ullah said. “I apologize to NYC, to law enforcement, and to this country.
