In a national poll commissioned by Ami Magazine with 1,000 respondents, 83% of Orthodox Jews say they’re voting for President Trump, while 13% said they’re voting for VP Biden. In Ami’s last poll, conducted back in 2016, 54% said they were voting for the president, which marks a 29% swing in favor of Trump. The poll also found that 76% of respondents felt that President Trump is covered ‘mostly unfairly’ by the media – with just 14% saying his coverage was ‘mostly fair.’ JOIN THE TENS OF THOUSANDS WHO ALREADY ARE ALERTED OF BREAKING NEWS LIKE THIS IN LIVE TIME: YWN WHATSAPP STATUS UPDATES: CLICK HERE to join the YWN WhatsApp Status. YWN WHATSAPP GROUPS: CLICK HERE to be dded to an official YWN WhatsApp Group. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

For the third day in a row, dozens of inspectors have converged in Boro Park and Flatbush to enforce the recent COVID-19 restrictions placed on local businesses by NY Governor Cuomo. Inspectors were seen meeting in a group on Fort Hamilton Parkway near 45th Street, and another group seen on 18th Avenue and 45th Street. [SEE VIDEO BELOW] Dozens of summonses were reportedly doled out on Monday and Tuesday. The summonses are court appearances, with a possible fine (if convicted) of a whopping $15,000. On Monday and Tuesday the inspectors were from the NYC Buildings Department, and on Wednesday, the inspectors appeared to be from the FDNY.

Hagaon Rav Asher Weiss wrote a scathing letter on Tuesday calling for the public to adhere to Health Ministry regulations and censuring the behavior of frum Jews who don’t adhere to health regulations. “We should cover our faces in shame when every day is worse than the next – with people dying every single day from this virus, including Rebbes, Roshei Yeshivos, prominent Marbetzei Torah and Amcha Beis Yisrael,” Rav Weiss wrote. “Thousands are groaning in pain and yissurim and we can’t claim: ‘Our hands didn’t spill this blood.'” “I already said in the past that we need to be machmir even more than the health authorities in Israel and the world, who have various negios.

Israel’s hospitals determined the death of 18 Bnei Brak residents from the coronavirus in the past six days, an average of three deaths a day. Attorney Moshe Morgenstern, who holds the health portfolio in the Bnei Brak municipality, told Kikar H’Shabbos: “In recent days, Bnei Brak has seen conflicting trends. On one hand, the number of patients in the city is declining, the number of recovered patients is rising…definitely a positive and welcome trend.” “On the other hand, there’s been an average of three deaths a day in the city in recent days – from 88 niftarim on October 7 to 106 niftarim today. And what is no less worrisome is that the number of hospitalized patients hasn’t decreased – it was 57 on October 7 and it’s 61 today.

Israel’s oldest resident, Shomo Sulayman, z’l, passed away on Sunday in his home in Netanya at the age of 117 surrounded by his family members, including six children and dozens of grandchildren, great and great-great-grandchildren. Sulayman’s grandson, Gil Radia, said his grandfather, who immigrated to Israel from Yemen in 1949 with his wife and children, was considered an expert in halacha and attended shul every day until the coronavirus pandemic began, Ynet reported. “His mind was clear until his last moment,” Radia said. “People would come and ask him questions about halacha and do exactly as he told them after he looked it up.” Sulayman made his living in agriculture and was one of the founding members of Moshav Avichayil.

Tragedy stuck the Chicago community, as word spread of the tragic Petira of Yoni Kohn Z”L, a well know Baal Tzedakah and Baal Chesed. According to news sources, a car crash occurred around 12:00PM on Monday in northern Van Buren County, Michigan. Yoni Z”L was one of the victims. Two other adults from another vehicle lost their lives in the crash. The cause of the crash is under investigation. Yoni Z”L, who was just 46-years-old, was a beloved father and husband and community member, whose Chesed and Tzedakah were far reaching – not just in Chicago. He was well-known in the nursing home and real estate industries. He resided in Edison, NJ, and Lakewood prior to moving back to Chicago.

A leader of protests against new coronavirus restrictions in Brooklyn was ordered Monday to stay away from a journalist who was chased and trapped by a crowd. Judge Edwin Novillo told Heshy Tischler, who is charged with inciting people to riot and unlawful imprisonment of a journalist, that he would be subject to getting arrested again if he had any contact — or had someone else get into contact on his behalf, including through social media — with Jewish Insider journalist Jacob Kornbluh Tischler, a City Council candidate and activist in the Orthodox Jewish neighborhood of Borough Park, had been arrested in connection with his actions during an Oct. 7 street protest.

Hagaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein, a member of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, the Rav of the Ramat Elchanan neighborhood of Bnei Brak, and the son-in-law of HaRav Elyashiv, z’tl, paskened that if someone defiantly chooses not to wear a mask, in some cases he’s considered as if he’s knowingly harming himself and there’s no need to daven for his refuah. Kikar H’Shabbos reported that someone approached Rav Zilberstein, one of the greatest poskim of the generation with specific expertise in medical issues, saying: “In a certain shul, there’s a tzaddik and talmid chacham who says Tehillim for cholim and many people give him names to daven for.” “One shul member who has health issues comes to shul without a mask.

Heshy Tischler was taken into NYPD custody, Sunday night, just an hour after Simchas Torah ended. Tischler announced on Friday that he was informed that he would be arrested on Monday morning, and was told to turn himself in to the 66 Precinct. Sources tell YWN that police feared that a large crowd would show up at the NYPD 66 Precinct on Monday when he would turn himself in, and decided to preempt that. See the videos below: JOIN THE TENS OF THOUSANDS WHO ALREADY ARE ALERTED OF BREAKING NEWS LIKE THIS IN LIVE TIME: YWN WHATSAPP STATUS UPDATES: CLICK HERE to join the YWN WhatsApp Status. YWN WHATSAPP GROUPS: CLICK HERE to be dded to an official YWN WhatsApp Group.

“We’ve been through so many things, terror attacks, travesties, but we’ve never seen anything like this,” a Chevra Kadisha member told Channel 13 News. “It never happened before that the morgue doors wouldn’t close because there were so many niftarim.” Israel’s Chevrei Kadisha are on the frontlines of the harsh reality of Israel’s second coronavirus wave. What began as a “trickle” of 21 deaths in March slowly transformed into a deluge of deaths, with 643 deaths in September, and another 250 deaths since the beginning of October. “At the beginning, when we had five niftarim a day, we felt like we were finished, we were collapsing,” a Chevra Kadisha member in Holon said.
