Heshy Tischler announced on social media that he has been informed that he will be arrested on Monday morning after Simchas Torah. “I just got a call from the precinct,” Tischler rambles in the video below. “They will be arresting me Monday morning. I’ll be taken in for inciting riot. Jacob Kornbluh, who harassed me the night before, that they don’t want to file charges for as of yet, he harassed me. They are telling everyone that I incited a riot, and Mr Kornbluh, the D.A., is going to be arresting me, on Monday morning to the 66 Precinct….” “Mr Kornbluh is a very terrible bad man”, Tischler continued. Tischler also apologized to Mrs DebLasio for calling her a “very bad name”.

At least five Magen David Adom volunteers were arrested on Wednesday for illegally orchestrating black market Coronavirus testing for civilians and pocketing the money. The announcement regarding the arrests came on Wednesday. The Jerusalem police division opened an investigation into the volunteers after a report in Ynet was published documenting the illegal tests being conducted. According to an MDA spokesperson, the organization had submitted a complaint to the police regarding their suspicions that such a racket was taking place and that pirated coronavirus tests were being carried out by one specific MDA volunteer. The statement also said that the volunteers in question have been removed from service and that MDA has filed charges against them.

The Rabbanim of the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations, which serves the Chareidi communities in London in Stamford Hill, Golders Green, Hendon, and Edgware issued a sharply worded pesak din on Chol Hamoed addressing the issue of coronavirus carriers and their family members davening in shul, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported. “Anyone who has a household member who, lo aleinu, is positive for the coronavirus or anyone who has a household member who has one of the symptoms of the virus, and even more so, anyone who himself is a virus carrier, lo aleinu – all the abovementioned and their household members are absolutely forbidden to come to any Beis Medrash or enter any public place,” the Rabbanim wrote. “Anyone who is mezalzel this carries the responsibility for the public on his head.

A tweet from former NYS Assemblyman Dov Hikind went viral in seconds the past 30 minutes, claiming that the judge overruled NY Governor Cuomo and said that Shuls can be 50% capacity. This is 100% false. The Court has issued an Order setting a hearing for 1:30PM tomorrow and requiring the Governor to submit any opposition papers by 11:00AM tomorrow morning. (Judge Kiyo A. Matsumoto, a George W. Bush appointee.) Hikind later deleted the tweet and apologized. JOIN THE TENS OF THOUSANDS WHO ALREADY ARE ALERTED OF BREAKING NEWS LIKE THIS IN LIVE TIME: YWN WHATSAPP STATUS UPDATES: CLICK HERE to join the YWN WhatsApp Status. YWN WHATSAPP GROUPS: CLICK HERE to be dded to an official YWN WhatsApp Group. My sincere apologies to all who reacted to this tweet.

Israel’s Health Ministry confirmed 4,117 new coronavirus cases on Thursday morning. The rate of positive virus tests continues to drop and is currently at 8.5%, the lowest in the past three weeks. There are currently 61,049 active virus patients, with 878 seriously ill, of whom 236 are ventilated. Forty-three more death were recorded, raising the death toll to 1,846. Over 50% of Israel’s students who contracted the coronavirus attend schools that are part of the Chareidi school system, the Education Ministry stated on Thursday. There are 448,298 students in the Chareidi school system – 19.39% of all Israelis students, and 1.75% of them have contracted the coronavirus – 51.18% of all students. The majority of students who contracted the virus are aged 16-18.

Today, Agudath Israel of America filed a lawsuit in federal court, asking for a temporary restraining order to bar the State of New York from enforcing its limits on house of worship attendance in certain areas of the state. The limits, announced by Governor Andrew Cuomo just two days ago, would cap Shul and other houses of worship attendance in so-called “red zones” to ten individuals. The memorandum argues that the Executive Order’s restrictions unconstitutionally discriminate against religious practice while simultaneously permitting comparable secular conduct.

Special to YWN News: The repercussions of NY Governor Cuomo’s verbal assault yesterday on the Hasidic and other Orthodox Jewish communities are already beginning to appear. A Newburg based bowling alley refused service to a number of Orthodox Jewish families on Thursday afternoon. This was less than 24 hours after the governor’s controversial speech and draconian measures limiting synagogue services to ten people per synagogue in what he termed “red zones.” Approximately twenty un-related and un-connected families tried to go bowling when rain forced them to change their Chol HaMoed plans. Slightly after 2:15PM near Newburgh, NY, it began to rain.

Thousands of protestors gathered in Brooklyn’s Borough Park neighborhood for a second night Wednesday, as demonstrators spoke out against Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s new restrictions on schools, businesses and Shuls in Jewish neighborhoods of the city and state amid an uptick in coronavirus cases. The crowd made it clear they would continue to Daven together despite the statewide mandate to restrict houses of worship in virus “hotspots,” and said they feel Orthodox Jewish communities are being unfairly targeted. The protests were mostly peaceful, with many dancing to Sukkos music, as some held Trump 2020 flags. The NYPD arrived in riot gear, and were greeted warmly with shouts of “Blue Lives Matter”. A small fire was lit on 13th Avenue late at night, but was quickly extinguished.

Israel’s Health Ministry confirmed 4,674 new coronavirus cases on Wednesday morning.  There are currently 61,606 active virus cases, with 879 seriously ill patients, of whom 240 are ventilated. Thirty-three more deaths were recorded, raising the death toll to 1,806. The percentage of positive coronavirus tests continues to decline, standing at 10.5% on Wednesday, the lowest level in weeks. According to the Health Ministry, over 3% of Israel’s residents have contracted the coronavirus since the start of the pandemic in February, meaning one in 33 has been diagnosed with the virus. The government voted by telephone late on Tuesday night to extend Israel’s current state of emergency and the national lockdown for one week, with the restrictions set to end next Tuesday night.

Prof. Eran Segal of Weissman Institue published worrying data on the morbidity and mortality rate in the Chareidi sector on Tuesday, indicating a dramatic rise in the number of Chareidi niftarim as well as a rise in the number of Chareidi COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized in serious condition. The data shows a 36% rise in the number of Chareidi niftarim in the past week and a 16% rise in the number of seriously ill patients., while the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the Chareidi sector rose to 28%. Segal added that the rise of coronavirus cases in the general population has stopped and in the Arab population there has been a decrease in the number of cases, the number of seriously ill patients and the number of fatalities.
