Israeli envoy to Washington Ron Dermer now persona non grata among House majority; calls for State Department to investigate US ambassador David Friedman for politicizing roll

The president tweeted. The prime minister leaped to obey. And Tlaib and Omar scored a victory with implications far more damaging than their planned, banned provocative visit

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, who just returned from leading delegation of 41 Democrats to Israel, calls move to have congresswoman promise to limit activities unprecedented

Conference of Presidents expresses 'reservations' at denial of entry to Dem. lawmakers Tlaib and Omar, worries about impact on bipartisan support

Even critics 'leave with much more positive view,' say leaders of largest-ever group of US lawmakers, with 41 Democrats and 31 Republicans to tour; organizers deny Trump objects

Longtime congressman leads freshman lawmakers on Middle East trip, deals with BDS bills, speaks to AIPAC, and insists party doesn't have a problem when it comes to the Jewish state

Visit comes amid tensions among Democrats over Israel support and plans by Rashida Tlaib to lead alternative West Bank trip

PA president affirms to Democratic lawmakers his support for two-state solution, slams Israel for 'insisting on destroying' agreements with Palestinians

Visit comes amid tensions among Democrats over Israel support and plans by Rashida Tlaib to lead alternative West Bank trip

Party members worry that resistance to measure by progressives could cause divisions ahead of presidential elections
