“Please state your emergency.”
“My Daddy fell down…He’s not waking up.”
It was a summer Shabbos afternoon like any other. Shlomo Abuhav had bentched after the meal and then offered his wife to go take a well-deserved nap. The older kids were playing at friends’ houses, and Shlomo stayed at home to watch his youngest child, adorable five-year-old Miri. They were in middle of playing an intense round of hide-and-go-seek when suddenly, Shlomo collapsed onto the floor.
And that’s when Miri put some incredible training into practice.
Forgetting that her mother was home, the five-year-old quickly grabbed the home phone and called the police. 

To the merciful children of Israel – רחמנים בני רחמנים
Please help answer the call and rescue the family of our dear friend R. Moshe Ben Chana Leba who is in agony – both physical and emotional. He has 2 sick children at home, and now he is suffering tremendously, with the dreaded disease לא עלינו
Please listen to the cry of his wife and seven children who are suffering through this all.

“You’re making a huge mistake.”
These were the words Sarah heard over and over from her friends and family in Holland. They couldn’t understand why a girl from a good Christian family would choose to be an Orthodox Jew. And Sarah had stopped trying to explain. Her heart was set. And so she began the journey that would eventually lead to being disowned by her loved ones, all in the name of the pursuit of Truth.

Leezi Berman isn’t a superficial girl. When she was dating, she wasn’t worried about family reputations, or money – She just knew she wanted to marry her zivug. She was looking for someone with great middos, someone kind and brave and determined. That’s when she met Yechiel Tauber.

It was a cold and rainy winter day as the Tauber kids stood by the window and watched their father drive away. Little did they know, their Tatty would never return to that apartment. After 15 years of marriage, the Taubers went through an extremely painful divorce.
Mother Bracha Tauber, however, was determined to still give her kids the best life she could. She raised her kids completely on her own, and continues to work 12 hour days. She arrives at the office before the sun has fully risen, and leaves when it is once again dark. She’ll do whatever she can do to give her children what they need – even if that means napping at her desk during her lunch break.

First Covid. Then Meron. Then Miami. 
What’s next?
With the horrific tragedies that have swept our nation these past few months, Elul approaches us with a sense of foreboding. This past year, we heard the chazzanim sing the haunting melody of “Mi bamayim umi be’sh…” but none of us knew that so many of the horrific deaths described in the ancient tefillos would actually come true before our very own disbelieving eyes. We lost brothers, sisters, mothers, sons. This was a dark year. 
But there is hope.

It’s a sight that most know well: Newly married couples happily gain weight during the first few years of marriage, happy to be enjoying seudas, holidays, and dinners out together with their new family. Those who know Moshe Taretzky, however, see he appears to be getting skinnier. 30-year-old Moshe is suffering from a rare disease of the esophagus which makes it difficult for him to eat. 
This has been a challenge for some time but in the past year it has become unbearable. The young man is now only able to ‘eat’ through a feeding tube. He has been reduced to an emaciated skeleton, slowly starving to death. 

To accommodate its record growth, Eastern Union is recruiting five motivated salespeople to fill high-level broker positions in its Howell, NJ office. 
The five new hires will receive high-quality leads and in-person training from Eastern Union co-founder and president Ira Zlotowitz. The new employees will also be able to earn significant draws, in addition to a commission structure of up to 75 percent.  
These new recruits will enjoy tremendous opportunities for professional advancement,” said Mr. Zlotowitz. “Eastern Union is experiencing rapid growth. That makes this an ideal time to join our team and share in our success.”

The teachers at one particular school in Beitar were used to receiving middle-of-the-night phone calls. It was a yeshiva for “teens at risk” and it seemed there was a new crisis every day. Boys recovering from abuse, struggling with addiction, and questioning their lives knew there was one teacher they could always turn to: Rabbi Poryes. Levi Poryes was known in his community as a charismatic and warm young teacher, a beloved mentor who was happy to lend a helping hand. The boys whose lives he transformed never dreamed that one day his family would be in need of their help.

Yanky looks just like his Tatty. Dark peyos frame his round 7-year-old face. Big brown eyes and long eyelashes sparkle as he smiles a toothy grin. His whole life the first grader has been proud to look like the Tatty that the whole community knows and loves for his work mentoring bochurim and his warm, caring nature. The Tatty who took him on “fun trips” and carried him on his shoulders. From this week and for the rest of his life, however, looking like his Tatty will be a heavy burden, and a painful reminder.
