No one can deny it: Raising religious Jewish children in 2021 is harder than ever before. Mainstream culture grows farther and farther from traditional morality. Every kid with a phone has access to the entire world in the palm of their hand. And with the disruption and chaos of coronavirus, last year had devastating effects on the emotional health of students worldwide.
Experts noted during the lockdowns that children in abusive and dysfunctional homes were suffering without the option of school as a safe haven. Others lost loved ones, and saw their family torn apart by grief. Jewish educators know: Emotional health is spiritual health.


Bonei Olam is unique. Yes, you help a couple in pain right now. But you also give eternity. A child, a Jewish neshama that will go on to do mitzvos and to be’ezras Hashem create a family of their own.
Watch this incredible video of Mr .and Mrs. Daniel Fleischer. The Bar Mitzvah of a Bonei Olam baby.

Bassi* was 18 when her mother passed away. Being the eldest of 7, she quickly learned how to cook, clean, and even raise her newborn baby sister so that her father could focus on supporting them. This last winter, the unthinkable happened: Bassi’s father passed away from coronavirus.
“ It happened so quickly we didn’t know what hit us. That’s when I realized, it’s really on me to take care of the family. I work hard at my job and give them everything I can.”
Then, a twist:


“Who are you? Why do you want to hurt us?”
These among others, were the panicked questions Aharon Mann whispered into the phone just one month ago, standing in the darkness of his apartment. It was the middle of the night, and the daily threatening calls had become more threatening. First they began with an intimidating silence then hung up. But as time went on a voice began to detail horrific violence it promised it would inflict on the young frum father and his children.

על אלה אני בוכיה
Join Rabbi Barros explaining fascinating concepts on the Kinos and Megilas Eicha at the brand new shul!!  
–motzoei shabbos, MAARIV 9:45p.m. Followed by kinos
Bring your own kinos

  • Inspirational stories • Background of the Kinos,  Divrei Hisorerus.
  • Open to Men and Women

Sunday, July 18, Shacharis: 8:30 a.m.
 Followed by Kinos with a meaningful explanation
1st Mincha 1:45p.m.
2nd Mincha 8 p.m. 
Maariv 9:05p.m. Conclusion of the fast 9:19 p.m. 
Kollel of South Fallsburg is open ALL YEAR ROUND!!
New location 187 Lake Street, South Fallsburg,  kollelofsouthfallsburg@aol.com  (845)807-3736

Tisha B’Av is a time to focus on the root causes of the Galus and work to rectify them so Moshiach can come.
What was the cause of the exile? 
Chazal (Midrash Tanchuma, Behar 1) are explicit: “The Holy One Blessed Be He said to Moshe Rabbeinu ‘Is it your desire that the nation should not go into exile? Then warn them about keeping Shmita.’” In fact the Torah (Vayikra 26:34-35) itself makes it clear that the years of desolation (Shmita) are an appeasement to the Land for the years of Shmita which were not kept properly in the days preceding the galus. 

With a heavy heart and a hope for the future, R’Shia Porush left his wife & 9 children behind and boarded a plane from Israel to America. In the United States, Porush had an opportunity to make more money for his family. This was more important than ever: They had reached a point where they were not covering their basic needs.
R’Porush had no idea that he would never return.

Readers around the globe were moved this week by the tragic story and appalling photos of young Israeli mother of 5, Chaya Maryan.
Shortly after giving birth to her youngest child, Chaya was uncharacteristically lethargic. Doctors misdiagnosed her as simply being “depressed.” When the “depression” did not resolve itself she went for further testing and learned that she had stage 4 cancer.

Have you ever lost a family member, or someone that was close to you?
It’s indescribably painful to lose someone that you love. But what about those that neither die nor truly live?
When Yosef Tzidkiyahu was 50 years old, he had a bad stroke. It was so bad in fact, that he became completely paralyzed from head to toe. A man that used to be a famous mohel, talmid chochom, and generous baal chesed became paralyzed and non-functioning. He could no longer move, walk, or talk. He was more or less a vegetable.
