Don’t miss out on the historic bracha: “A long and good life”
Maran HaGaon R’ Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a in a rare letter to help one of his students who recently tragically lost his righteous wife. Three children are left at home- they’re hungry, as they simply do not have enough to eat; and they deeply miss their mother. Maran HaGaon R’ Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a writes a middah-k’neged-middah bracha on his behalf

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The New Seminary’s Learn and Understand Virtual Open House.
Join us Tonight Tuesday, July 13th at 8:00 pm as we learn in detail all the options of our next-level educational programs.
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Chaya Maryan was one of those energetic women that many of us secretly envy. An exercise enthusiast and fun-loving mother, she threw all of her energies into creating a warm, happy, positive home environment for her children and seemed to be a magnet for attracting hilarious stories and memorable anecdotes. So when Chaya started feeling lethargic and weak after giving birth to her fifth child, her husband Eli encouraged her to visit a doctor. He knew his wife: Even though she was postpartum, this tired woman living in his home was not the Chaya that he knew.
To their surprise, she was diagnosed with postpartum depression.

[COMMUNICATED]Complete 17th century miniature Tanach without punctuation in good condition. Printed in Leiden, Holland. Each section boasts a separate title page, for a total of 4 title pages…

Long Autographed  letter by Harav Elchonon  Wasserman to rabbi Dovid Potash on ‘Da’as Torah’ and  the controversy between Agudas Yisrael and the Zealots from Neturey Karta in Eretz Yisrael.  Baranowitz, circa 1935.
Harav Elchonon writes that he believes that many Rabbis aligned themselves with governmental institutions due to “the dire poverty that clouds their thinking, and causes them to overlook the Will of their Creator”.

Being committed to Daf Yomi is tough, but so worth it. Every day, no matter what, you have to sit down and focus on the day’s daf – while forgetting about everything else.
Having the right partner with you makes all the difference. In just a little bit more than 20 minutes, Shaul C. Greenwald learns through the day’s daf at a rapid pace, yet in a surprisingly clear manner.
This shiur is posted daily on the 20 Minute Daf podcast and on WhatsApp, and is growing rapidly in popularity.
The shiur is perfect for a quick chazara, catching up dafim that you missed, or if you are ever short on time.
Make a meaningful kabbalah and join us!

When Chaya Maryan started acting weak and lethargic after giving birth to her fifth child, her doctor chalked it up to postpartum depression.
“Postpartum depression is very common,” he said. “It affects almost 60% of women who give birth. Give it some time. Make sure to get fresh air every day.”
But in the end, it was something far, far worse.

Shaindy learned how to be strong from her mother. Mother-of-7 Bracha Lev raised her children alone as a single mom. No matter what, Bracha did whatever she could to give them what they needed. Something there would be an unexpected expense and the fridge would lie empty, or the lights would go off. But they learned to keep their chins up, and see the good.

This letter was penned by the illustrious sages of Jerusalem to Baron Shimon Wolf Rothschild entitled the “Saar HaTzaddik”, regarding the Keren Yeshuah Fund established to financially assist the residents of Jerusalem. The actual letter was written by Harav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, with signatures of the Maharil Diskin, Rav Shmuel Salant, and Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld.
