Unfortunately, our world is saturated with stories of tragedy and loss. How can one determine which are a true case of ‘pikuach nefesh,’ a matter of life & death? For this, we turn to the rabbanim.

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On behalf of R’ Malkiel Kotler, we as a family appeal to you to help a fellow Jew who is in desperate need.
Although there are many heartrending details to share that will evoke feelings of pity, we will keep it as short as possible. But please hear the desperation that resonates from between the lines.
Rabbi H. is a respectable Rav. Unfortunately, his wife is very ill. The cost of various therapies and treatments not covered by insurance is way beyond the H. family’s means.
They have no way to pay for Mrs. H.’s medical needs, and no way to pay for the other basic needs like food and rent. On top of the illness they are dealing with, the family is experiencing the pain and shame of hunger and privation.


In an unprecedented unity initiative, the matching platform is connecting thousands of Jews to learn more about Shabbos, together.
Jerusalem, Israel, November 6, 2020, Partners in Torah, an organization that facilitates 1:1 connections for learning Torah, is turning technological innovation into achdus for this year’s worldwide Shabbos Project. Through their online platform, thousands of Jews across the denominational spectrum are signing up to get matched with a study partner and learn about Shabbos with a focus on connection, unity and growth.

As per his minhag, Rav Yisroel Nissen Rosenblum ztz”l, the late Rebbe of Kretchinef would read Sefer Devarim in his home every Hoshana Raba. One year ago he was doing so when he got up to the posuk “Yechi Reuven v’al yamos.” He paused, raised his powerful voice and made a proclamation “As long as I remain alive, Reuven Noteh will not die.”
The Rebbe passed away shortly after.


Readers were shocked this month to read the news of a group of Israeli girls who were tricked into travelling with a suitcase containing goods which are legal in Israel but illegal in many other countries. When the girls arrived in Bulgaria, they were rushed by police, and taken to jail. As the days passed and they had not heard from their daughters, their respective families began to panic. It was only after two weeks in jail that 22-year-old Rivka Zuaretz was able to make her allotted 3-minute call to her parents. Rivka was in hysterics: None of the prison guards spoke Hebrew, she had no access to kosher food, she was surrounded by violent inmates, and the prosecution was seeking a shocking 15 years.


