Rav Yitzchok Berkovits released a very direct video address this week, in response to an urgent crisis in his community:
“For years, our neighborhood Sanhedria Murchevet was plagued with burglaries. Friday nights if someone was out you could be sure someone would break in to the apartment. Just a lot of loss of property, belongings. Aside from the financial loss, personal items that mean a lot to people. So we got together and set up a system of cameras, security cameras.

Rivky sat on the familiar burgundy couch with her close circle of friends from high school. It was Tzipporah’s Shabbos Kallah. Her best friend. She couldn’t believe that she and Tzipporah were actually engaged at the same time. They had always joked around that it would happen. Now that it was, she wasn’t sure it was such a good idea after all. Rivky was patiently listening to Tzipporah’s detailed description of her new apartment her parents bought for her when Ahuva piped up.
 “Oh my gosh, Tzipporah, you didn’t tell us that you got your engagement ring finally! It’s stunning!” 
The girls ohh’ed and ahh’ed. 
“And Rivky, I never saw yours either! Did you get one? How soon is your wedding again”? 



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Regarding the last night of Chanukah, the Bnei Yissaschar writes:
“יום שמסוגל לפקידת עקרות, יום שמסוגל לפרנסה, יום שמסוגל לישועה.. יום של חיתום וביצוע הדין לכל המשך השנה.”
“It is a day that is mesugal to give children to the childless, a day that is mesugal for parnassah, a day that is mesugal for salvation… the day of the signing and carrying out of judgement for the rest of the year.”
The following are true stories about Zos Chanukah:
“I donated 120 shekels to the Zos Chanukah prayer event for a friend’s son who was still single at age 40, and right after Chanukah he got engaged. I am calling the Vaad to add my own son’s name to this year’s prayer event!”
