Image finding out your son was dying of cancer and your whole world getting ripped apart over the course of 6 months.
When their 11 year old son became sick with DIPG, the most deadly form of juvenile cancer, their world fell apart.
The pain and anguish knowing your son is going to die took a major toll and the family fell apart.
Flash forward 6 months later, Tisha’ B’av having to bury your son. The pain is unimaginable.

This Tuesday, shadows will fall on the walls of the historic resting place of Rabi Yehuda Bar Ilai. With great passion, a group of the most esteemed rabbis in Israel will cry out to the heavens, tears welling in their eyes. They will pray for two groups of people who seem to be different but who are deeply connected: The poor families of Israel, and those who are able to help them. The group will include Rabbi Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi, The Admor Mi’Biale, Rav Elimelech Biderman, Rav Binyan Finkel, and more.
It is customary for Jews around the world to recite “Parshas HaMon” at this time of year, a prayer for financial security. The rabbanim will recite Parshas HaMon during their gathering while praying for each donor individually by name.

We’ve been trying to get your attention – you listening yet?
New Great Prizes! Same low price! The Oorah Auction 2021 is better than ever. With prizes like a sefer torah written just for you, tuition for your children, $36,000 cash, and seven fat cows.
Why should you enter the Oorah Auction TODAY, you ask?
Why are we bombarding you with reminders and emails, you ask?
Well that’s simple. The deadline is TODAY. Yes, it’s just hours away! And we know you could use an extra $5K. Who couldn’t? And if you enter today, that $5K could be yours.






That’s what many readers have commented as they scrolled upon a moving letter recently spotted on TheChesedFund.

In a most profound essay, Shira introduces herself as a 10 year old that’s been fighting cancer for more than three years.

On Motzoei Shabbos, January 16th, 2021, Yeshiva Darchei Torah will join its, parents, teachers, rebbeim, alumni and the entire klal in an Evening of Celebration.
This year’s dinner is not a dinner in the traditional sense; it will be an event to watch from the comfort of your home. And the focus will be on the talmidim, allowing them to shine.
This Evening of Celebration will feature a unique and inspiring program, preceded by a pre-program segment at 8:40 PM EST where you can hear from the Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Shlomo Avigdor Altusky.
