While the world is glued to the game, we’re glued to our gemara.
Tackling a Tosfos. Wrestling with a Rashba.

While the world is captivated by the roars of the crowd, the music of pop-culture.
We are swept up by the roar of the Bais Medrash. The sweet sound of Torah.

The room is on fire. The atmosphere is electric. The achdus, the energy, nothing compares!

On SuperSunday, February 7th, 2021, 200 talmidim, avreichim and Rebbeim in Yeshivas Aderes HaTorah will be learning through the night at their annual SuperSeder!





A fire ripped through the dormitory of Yeshiva Mercaz HaTorah of Belle Harbor on Friday morning, causing serious damage.
The FDNY tells YWN that the fire started at around 10:00AM in the top floor of the three-story dormitory located at 512 Beach 130th Street near Beach Channel Drive.
Bichasdei Hashem, all occupants of the dormitory were not injured. Unfortunately, a firefighter sustained injuries and was being treated by Paramedics on the scene.
The high winds and frigid temperatures caused issues for firefighters battling the blaze, and a second alarm was requested for additional manpower to extinguish the fire.

News of the passing of Rabbi Naftali Bernstein spread through the Beit Shemesh community like wildfire on Friday morning. Bernstein was a well-known community figure, a beloved cheder rebbi, and a father of 10. After he was taken to the hospital with a severe case of corona two weeks ago, many in the community were davening for his recovery. It was a huge shock when, at just 47 years old, Rav Bernstein passed away on Thursday night.
Rav Bernstein’s widow and 10 children were unable to enter the hospital to visit him, and when they were told the news of his death, they reportedly held each other outside in the rain and wept.

Don’t miss the first-ever Jewish Musical Night out at America’s Largest Indoor Waterpark!
Two nights, two events, one for men, one for women!
Men’s Night, Motzei Shabbos January 30th, featuring Beri Weber and Yossi Shtendig!
Women’s Night, Sunday, January 31st, featuring Ahuva, Mindy and Elisheva Blatt!
Gourmet Fleishig Menu, Transportation available from Williamsburg, Boro Park, Monroe and Monsey!

By: Sandy Eller

