Don’t miss the Chol Hamoed event, Eretz Hakodesh’s concert for bachurim remaining in Eretz Yisrael for Yom Tov!
Featuring Aharon Razel and Eitan Katz.
Livestreaming on Matzav from 12:00-4:00 EST (7:00 Israel).



It was a Friday morning, and there was a knock at the Goldstein door. Meir stepped forward to answer it, when his mother stopped him. “Don’t answer… just wait,” she said, as she looked through the peephole and waited until the coast was clear.

“A few years ago, my life was flipped upside down when the lower half of my body became paralyzed in an epidural anesthesia accident in the hospital. Ever since then, I have not been able to do many things like I used to, including helping provide income for the family. Then, just before Pesach last year, my husband lost his job to Covid. We were already living paycheck to paycheck as it was, but this was too much to bear. I came home one week before Pesach after a painful physical therapy appointment and burst into tears. I had no clue how my family would survive the next few days, let alone buy Matzohs and grape juice for the seder. I felt so alone.

[COMMUNICATED] Whatever needs Lakewood’s Cholim might have, the answer to the question is always “Bikur Cholim of Lakewood.”
Whatever time of day or night, no matter how big or small the need, Bikur Cholim of Lakewood is always there to serve the need. ——
Over the last year, Bikur Cholim expanded every single one of its programs to serve the ever-growing needs of Lakewood’s community.
Whether it is having patient advocates looking out for patients 24/7, or helping people find the perfect doctor, feeding patients and their families, helping people get rides to and from medical appointments and/or treatments, or a warm and comfortable room for families to stay in when they visit, Bikur Cholim is always there. —–

“The doctor walked up to us and said, ‘Listen, his situation is not simple at all. You might want to look away for a moment, and when you look back at him – he might not be among the living.’”
When Chagit Cohen gave birth to her tenth child two years ago, she never dreamed that his beautiful little face would one day cross almost every Jewish website and social media channel. Those strangers would recognize him in the streets and walk over to her to introduce themselves. That her son would be fondly labeled by thousands as “a little hero.”
But that’s exactly what happened.


