Attention Bochurim

There will be another bus leaving from Lakewood on Thursday and Sunday Morning.
We have successfully secured Bushkill Falls Resort for this אלול זמן .
We have arranged accommodations for several hundred בחורים.
We will be learning the same לימוד  as Mir in Yerushalayim. There will be a Chabura Hookup with Hagaon Harav Asher Arielli.
The Rosh Chabura will be Harav Zev Reiss and Harav Betzalel Sofer, R Berel Kelemer, R Dovid Asher David.
For more information please call the registration office can be reached at  732-994-7228 or

We are pleased to announce the opening of a Seminary for the month of September.
We will be having dynamic mechanchos, special guest speakers, and an enjoyable extra circular program.

For more information, please call the office at 732-961-5602 or email

We have successfully secured Bushkill Falls Resort for this אלול זמן
We have arranged accommodations for several  hundred בחורים.  We will be learning the same  לימוד  as Mir in Yerushalayim. There will be a Chabura Hookup with Hagaon Harav Asher Arielli. The Rosh Chabura will be Harav Zev Reiss and Harav Betzalel Sofer.
For more information you can contact
R’ Reiss 908-330-1855 or  R’ Betzalel Sofer 732-789-2027
The registration office can be reached at  732-994-7228 or

How many casualties has the pandemic claimed?
It was Friday, a week and a half after Pesach. The lockdown was still in effect, and everyone was home. Father Efraim Blum wasn’t going out at all, even for fresh air, because he was suffering from a high fever. They anxiously awaited the return of his test results.
Suddenly, they heard a thump. Mother left the Shabbos cooking and ran in a panic, only to find her husband lying on the floor, unconscious.
The paramedics arrived and burst into the Blum home. They checked his pulse & began resuscitation. One, two, three … his inanimate body jumped fron the electric shocks. The children watched on in horror, screaming – “Abba!,” they yelled. “Abba, wake up!”

Teachers at a Jerusalem cheder became concerned earlier this year when 8 year old Moshe Blum stopped speaking. His family had recently moved to Israel from England, which comes with many typical challenges. It was clear from his complete silence, that there was something more going on at home. When they phoned his mother to check in, they were shocked to hear the full story.
Zelda & Mordechai Blum moved to Israel with the hopes of raising their children in the Israeli school systems. Shortly after their arrival, however, the father of 3 experienced strange pains in his chest. He was diagnosed with cancer, and their family began a descent into chaos & poverty.


It was the peak of the first coronavirus wave in Israel and I had been laid off of my job. I was home feeling depressed when it occurred to me: Maybe if I went out to help others who were having a harder time than myself, it would help me gain perspective.

That’s when I got in my car and drove to the packing lots for Masbia LeKol Chai. I had heard of Masbia from a friend who had volunteered with them in the past. When I got to the lot I was moved by what I saw: Volunteers of every age and hashkafa, packing boxes with essential groceries.

I signed in with my details, and got started. One by one, another man & I loaded the boxes up onto the truck. Mid-afternoon, we set out for Yerushalayim to start delivering the packages.

Right now, a young pregnant mother is looking through her freezer. Her kids are asking her what is for dinner. Ever since her husband was admitted to the coronavirus ward, she hasn’t had the time to work, or the money for groceries. Her daughters pull at her skirt – they want meatballs or chicken like they used to have. They don’t understand. And she does everything she can so that they won’t understand.

This is a particularly challenging time for those struggling financially … Many are unemployed, or have been otherwise affected by the coronavirus.


It’s no secret: The past zman was an extremely difficult time for yeshiva bochurim around the world. Many young boys looked forward to spending their spring learning Torah, gaining guidance for their rebbeim, and growing as a person. Unfortunately, their most sacred space, the beis midrash, was rendered unsafe by the coronavirus. They were cast out, back to their homes, where they lacked that essential ‘yeshiva’ experience.
Now that the summer has come and restrictions have loosened, Jewish families around the world are enjoying a restful bein hazmanim, taking trips & relaxing. Some very special bochurim, however, have opted to use this time to catch up on the Torah learning that they missed.

A message to you from Shimon Dushinsky, father of 8 and recent widower:
 “My wife Rivka was my hero.
 She raised our 8 children with such grace and strength, and for the last 6 months she battled stomach cancer. Two weeks ago, she passed away.
 Devastated is not even the word.
 Now I am at a loss as to how to cover all of my expenses with only my income. I have to pay 1500 shekel a month  for my daughter Sara’s studies, 800 shekel a month for my son’s yeshiva, 350 shekel a month for my daughter Yehudis’s school, in addition to $40,000 of debts from cancer treatments and other life events.
