The Gedolei Torah are very careful with their words. That’s why a rare promise from 28 of our generation’s leading Rabbanim, including Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita, the Belz Rebbe shlita, the Viznitz Rebbe shlita and Rav Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi shlita, is making headlines.
Many families have been impoverished by Covid-19. The leading Rabbis are overwhelmed by the sheer number

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The newest episode of Inside ArtScroll features a full-length interview with Rabbi Paysach Krohn, bestselling author and renowned speaker. As one of the greatest storytellers and motivational lecturers of his time, Rabbi Krohn never fails to inspire and uplift his readers and listeners with his poignant words. In this interview, Rabbi Krohn does just that, offering insights and memories that will entertain you and leave you feeling inspired.


Very few people will ever go through the difficult challenges Pinchas Deutsch has, let alone live to tell about it. At the age of 7, an eye injury caused by protruding, sharp objects caused him to go blind in one eye, despite extensive surgery. The other eye developed Sympathetic Ophthalmia, a painful disease so rare that he was the only one in all of Israel to have it. Since no local doctor had any experience with this ailment, he had to go to the US for extensive surgery. His situation became so dire that the Steipler Gaon, ZT”L, took upon him to daven 3 times a day for him.

Agudath Israel of America has meant so much to so many people, on a klal level and to the yochid as well.
Today’s case in point:

Agudath Israel of America has meant so much to so many people, on a klal level and to the yochid as well.
Today’s case in point:
There was one thing that Chezky Miller knew for sure.
It didn’t matter how old you were or how old your parents were. You’re never ready to say goodbye to them forever. And yet, that is exactly what doctors were telling him to do as his 89-year-old mother continued to deteriorate after cancer surgery.
Chezky had taken his mother to a renowned surgeon at a world-class hospital, but she was heading downhill and doctors told him to prepare himself for the worst, something Chezky absolutely refused to do.


“Thank you for being the shaliach to save my Mom…”

“The doctors said she has a few months to live…….. Now she was told she can get treatment and she has a chance!”

“I have no words to thank for the help you gave me for the medical outcome I had”

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There’s no Sukkos like Sukkos in Yerushalayim. The feelings of festivity are almost tangible. Prior to the Yom Tov, the streets are filled with vendors selling daled minim and all sorts of Yom Tov paraphernalia. Then, once Yom Tov begins, there is a spirit of joy that just cannot be described in words.
Chol Hamoed brings another level of joy with Simchos Bais Hashoeivah across town, and the chag wraps up with the celebration of Simchas Torah that is unlike anything else in the world.
But this year will be different.
The city of Yerushalayim will be noticeably emptier.
