One man’s business has gone terribly awry and instead of supporting a family it is now tearing them apart. A man, whose identity is being kept anonymous for safety precautions, is being terrorized and threatened by an Arab worker. The devoted husband and father of four is now fervently hoping that he will be freed from the life-threatening ransom that is being demanded of him.
A man who made an honest living through his business and was known to give generously to those less fortunate now finds himself in an unimaginable predicament where he is dependent on others to keep him alive and his family together.

The Breslev community lost a tremendous light last week, with the passing of prominent Rav and father of 10 children Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Karmel. Karmel collapsed in his home while battling COVID, and Hatzolah were unable to resuscitate him.
The rabbi gave a remarkable 18 shiurei Torah each week to his beloved talmidim, and authored seforim as well. He was also well known for having the honor of leading prayers in Uman on Rosh Hashana, as the baal tefilah on the Yom HaDin for chassidim from all over the world.
Rav Karmel left behind a Rebbetzin and many children, who are now struggling to come to terms with his sudden passing.



Heartbreaking images surfaced this week of the levaya of Rabbi Moshe Friedman, a 36-year-old father of 3. Friedman passed away recently after an arduous battle with cancer, which spread from his lungs to other organs. His wife Chava was by his side during his suffering, while also raising 3 children, two of whom are suffering from epilepsy.

A family was shaken to the core a few months ago when their apparently healthy father did not make it to the family simcha he was supposed to attend one evening.
Like any other day, Moshe Gotsman left his home early in the morning and told his wife he would meet her at a family simcha later that evening. As nightfall came, and there was no word from Moshe, his family began to worry. They couldn’t imagine what might be keeping such a devoted family member from this exciting event.
Amidst the wonder, Moshe’s wife Leah, received the dreaded call. A paramedic had reached out to her to inform her of her husband’s sudden passing. There were so many questions left unanswered for this newly widowed woman and her grieving family.

“Recently came a day I feared would never come,” begins the emotional letter penned to the public. “The day I became a chassan.”
Yitzchok Rotman’s disbelief at his engagement, however, was not due to the struggles with dating which are so prevalent in today’s world —
He was surprised because he didn’t expect to be alive at all.


All families inevitably experience bumps in the road from time to time. It is a natural progression of life, and overcoming these challenges helps build us up for the future. There are families, however, who cannot catch their breath or recompose themselves quickly enough before experiencing another blow. Leiby and Goldy Eingbar are the parents of such a family.


The ‘second wave’ has officially arrived in Israel as numbers of coronavirus cases continue to rise worldwide. Most are back to work and there is a sense of fragile normalcy in the air.
