Currently, there is a worldwide shortage of EpiPens, which is affecting individuals who have severe allergies that can cause anaphylactic reactions. The EpiPen is an auto-injection delivery system that administers a dose of adrenaline hormones which increases the heart rate and blood pressure and reverses the swelling of the airways. In cases of severe anaphylactic reactions, it can slow the allergic reaction and reverse its effects long enough to allow first responders to arrive or for a person to get to the hospital to receive further treatment. 

No one expects tragedy to strike. For the Berkowitz family of London however, it did – not just once, not even twice, but three times. And they haven’t been the same since.
It began when the young couple experienced something that no parents should have to: burying a child.
Their daughter Shaindy became ill and ultimately passed away, devastating her parents & four siblings. After grieving, they picked up their lives and did their best to move on. It was just when they were regaining their functioning that the mother of the family became ill as well.

A group of small children were shuffled into the crowded office of Rav Chaim Kanievsky last month, to inform the Gadol Hador of an urgent crisis.
It is well known that in recent years, dozens of Yemenite families were rescued from their country of origin, where it has become increasingly more dangerous to be an observant Jew, and brought to Israel. Though the families arrived with abundant hope for the future, the Israeli bureaucracy has seemingly stranded them in conditions which are not fitting for religious families, with no logistical possibility of making their way out:

Bonei Olam provides millions of dollars in financial assistance to cover the prohibitive costs of fertility treatments and medical procedures. To date, thousands of children have been brought into the world through the efforts of Bonei Olam.
This Thursday, Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul, Rav Chaim Kanievsky and Rav Shimon Galei will be reciting special Yom Kippur Kotton tefillos on behalf of donors to Bonei Olam.

Currently, there is a worldwide shortage of EpiPens, which is affecting individuals who have severe allergies that can cause anaphylactic reactions. The EpiPen is an auto-injection delivery system that administers a dose of adrenaline hormones which increases the heart rate and blood pressure and reverses the swelling of the airways. In cases of severe anaphylactic reactions, it can slow the allergic reaction and reverse its effects long enough to allow first responders to arrive or for a person to get to the hospital to receive further treatment. 

Rabbi Chacham of Rehovot suffered through countless cancer treatments, for nearly 5 years, before passing away and leaving behind a widow and 6 children. His death had a profound impact on his community and loved ones. Son Dovid tearfully remembers: “We were all helping to fight the cancer together. It was very difficult… Abba was the backbone of our home.”

If I were to tell you about a 20 year old bachur, who is always happy, always smiling, very positive and inspires others, you may think I’m trying to suggest a shidduch. You may even think it sounds like many 20 year olds. But, what if I told you that this 20 year old is suffering from a rare case of ALS which is rapidly destroying his body? Yes, it sounds unbelievable, and yes, that’s Dovy.
What started as having some difficulty walking turned into the use of a cane, then wheelchair and it deteriorated from there. Dovy’s rare case of ALS was extremely hard to diagnose at first, and by the time it was diagnosed it was advanced.

Another morning begins, and Yehuda Zak opens his eyes. As his mind hazily leaves his dream state, for a moment he expects the day to be as typical as before: He will grab his tallis bag and head out to shul, saying goodbye to his wife and kids. However, as the sobering reality of the morning comes rushing in, he remembers once again that life is not, cannot, be typical again: Two weeks ago, Yehuda lost his wife to cancer. Batsheva Zak fought bravely against illness. She left behind six devastated children, the youngest of whom is just 4 years old.

“I was in high school when my parents lost their lives in a car crash. They had a family full of kids at home, and we lost them forever, just because of one person texting while driving. In the few years that have passed since we lost them, my siblings and I have really struggled. Losing parents turns a home completely upside down, and changes everyone in it forever.
Now that I’m a kallah, I feel their absence more than ever – I go alone to the different appointments. Everything comes out of my pocket from what I’ve saved up from my job. And ultimately, I’ll walk to my chuppah without them.” – Rachel*, 22

“Hello, I’m Shlomo, and this is the story of how my kallah and I went from young newly married couple to parents of 4, overnight.”
Thus begins the heart wrenching testimonial of 23-year-old Shlomo Azoulai, a Jerusalem resident. Daniel and his four younger siblings were raised single highhandedly by mother Sigalit Azoulai a”h, a young single mother who bravely faced many challenges in her life, the last of which was cancer.
Sigalit heroically managed to juggle her exhausting treatments with marrying off her eldest, and raising her younger children. The family struggled but did not reach its breaking point until last month when, after a tragic turn of events, Sigalit suffered a stroke and passed away due to complications.
