Rabbi Tzvi Kofman of Tzfat was a beloved and respected figure: A rosh kollel, a talmid chacham, a lawyer, a baal chesed, and the father of many children, he seemed to many to have the perfect life. Perfect until the fateful day when he was diagnosed with cancer. What followed was the painful struggle against disease and debt which has become all too common in today’s world. When Rav Kofman passed away, he left behind a widow and 16 children.

Should there be such a thing as being ‘too poor to live?’

Readers are debating this moral dilemma after the recent publication of the story of father-of-8 Reuven Boltin. Boltin was reportedly diagnosed with kidney cancer three years ago. After years of treatments, he has stopped responding to medication. In a devastating turn, doctors recently sent Reuven home, telling him there was nothing they could do, and that his only remaining option would be to pursue alternative treatments.

The following message of struggle and triumph, is meant for you, the reader:

“Hi, my name is Benny. I was born in New York, to secular Jewish parents. My mom and dad were very special people, and when they died in a car crash, I was sent to live with relatives. Because I had seen death up close, I was always looking for answers as to what existed beyond this world. When I started learning more about Torah Judaism, my family members mocked me and cut me off – when I went to yeshiva they laughed and told me I was throwing my life away. At the end of the day, I know I made the right choice.

I am sorry.
Sorry to break the regular cycle of news articles bringing you information from around the world, to break the routine of your busy life. It is for good reason, though: There is something you should see. Three short letters of apology. One of them is written by someone you may know.

Letter One – From a Woman Left Behind :
My dear daughter,
It seems like centuries since we stood by Tatty’s hospital bed, and watched him leave this world. Every since then, I’ve fought to do everything I can to provide for you and your siblings. But I have failed – to see you walk to your chuppah, and to have nothing to give you.


It is a typical day at a Jerusalem school for special needs children, and the sounds of laughter & footsteps echo through the hallways. It is a challenging & often selfless job for those who happily choose it, and Etty Stein is no exception. With love and care, Etty wipes the tears and brings a smile to the faces of children who struggle to function in this world. Despite the strength and positivity she displays for her students however, the young teacher hides a past and a present full of tremendous pain.

An intense meeting was held at the Bnei Brak home of HaRav HaGaon Rav Chaim Kanievsky recently on behalf of sick men, women, and children in Israel. Attending were Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein and Rav Shimon Baadani, who have also attached themselves to the cause, as well as various Kupat Ha’Ir representatives, gabbaim, and spectators. Discussed was the epidemic of cancer and other serious illnesses, and their resulting debts, as a rising threat to the survival of the Jewish People. As of now, cancer is the #1 cause of death in Israel, with many families suffering in dire poverty as they struggle to afford their expenses.

It was a quiet night in the oncology unit in a hospital in central Israel, full of the regular sights & sounds: The beeping of heart monitors, the groans of patients, the tense steps of loved ones. Mrs Yakovzer however, a young mother of 2 from Netanya, was noticeably absent from her bed. Having suffered for a few years from cancer herself, she had taken on teaching the sefer Chovos HaLevavos to the other patients. Despite her own pain and nausea, she pushed through to help strengthen others in their emunah & bitachon. This is just one instance in a tapestry of who this young woman was as a person. Unfortunately, she just passed away, leaving behind a devastated widower and two children.

“We stood before three fresh graves … I don’t want to be in the same situation again.”
Thus begins the devastating and emotional video posted this week by mother-of-14 Esther K, a woman who has experienced more suffering than most do in their lifetime. 9 of Esther’s children developed a severe genetic disorder, neurofibromatosis, which lays dormant until adolescence. Once they began getting sick, the family could only wait to see who would be healthy, and who would develop life-threatening tumors along their spinal cord.

Are you or someone you know in need of a zchus for their bashert?
The Ohel Sarala Initiative was born just over 4 years ago, at the recommendation of Rav Ahron Leib Shteinman ZT”L. Over the last few years, Ohel Sarala has been part of over 177 babies and 611 shiduchim.
Join the initiative today and Rav Chaim Kanievsky will say a special tefillah at neilah that “this year should be the year”.
Read more…

As a result of the unprecedented growth of Lomdei Daf Yomi, Chavrei HaSiyum, Masmidei HaSiyum and Lomdei and Makirei Torah all around the world, seat reservations at The Siyum are moving at the fastest pace ever. Over 70% of the seats at MetLife Stadium are already sold out, and reservations keep coming in at record rates.
The Siyum will of course be an unrivaled experience of kavod hatorah and inspiration. An anticipated 300,000+ participants will participate across dozens of cities and countries around the world. It will once again be historic.
