Preparations have begun for one of the largest and most celebrated prayer gatherings in Israel. Each year, a staggering 300 avreichim from Kollel Rinah Shel Torah gather at the tomb of Rabbi Yonasan Ben Uziel, also known as ‘Amukah.’ Amukah is famous for the many Jews who have travelled from around the world to pray there for their zivug (soulmate), and have found their tefilos answered shortly afterward.

IMPORTANT VIDEO: Watch Rabbi Paysach Krohn speak on how we can help the singles in Klal Yisrael

To Download Shareable Mobile Version of R’ Krohn’s Video – CLICK HERE

Join us again this year as we transform a dreary day of hunger and lethargy into a transcendent 24 hours packed with depth, meaning, and change.
To view the complete schedule, click here . To purchase tickets, click here .
We hope you will join us in our quest to make this Tisha B’Av the last.   

Join the Priority-1 5779 Tisha B’Av event. Listen to Rabbi Shaya Cohen, Founder of Priority-1 & Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Zichron Aryeh, discuss how to view our current state of galus and what we can do to bring it to an end.

Watch the entire program live at www.nachumsegal.com

Shachris at 8:20 AM

Click HERE to watch the Video Event
The eyes of the world are fixed upon the Jewish people. We have competed with the greatest empires in history. Where are they and where are we? We appear in the headlines of all forms of news media, and we are on the lips of world leaders daily.
Like it or not, We are relevant. 
Ohr Somayach presents four of the worlds greatest Jewish thinkers in our generation, Rabbi Nota Schiller, Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz, Rabbi Dr. Dovid Gottleib, and Rabbi Lipa Geldwerth who explain why our eyes, filled with tears, are fixed upon Jerusalem and ask,  “Why We Weep”.

HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky shlit”a asked, “Is the mitzvah of V’ahavta L’reiacha Kamocha too demanding for us??”
This Tisha B’Av, acquire practical tools to improve in the area of loving your fellow Jew as you love yourself. Your life will and the lives of others will be changed forever.
Join over 50,000 people in 700 locations, in 16 countries around the world, who have all come to trust Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation to bring them a quality presentation that lasts throughout the year.
It’s no mystery. Hashem tells us clearly how He wants the Jewish people to live, as families, as neighbors, and as friends- with love.
And not just with love, but with a love so expansive that the needs and cares of others matter as much to us as do our personal concerns.

The Common Thread – a compelling, inspirational film by Hashkifa, is guaranteed to transform your Tisha B’Av.

Founded by Rabbi Yoel Gold, Hashkifa touches the lives of hundreds of thousands of viewers around the globe by harnessing the power of storytelling and technology to inspire today’s generation.

We anticipate that this production will similarly impact you and your community and will evoke recognition of the hashgacha in our lives, and how we stand as a nation, governed by Divine Providence.

To purchase film or for more info. please visit Hashkifa.com
or click here and below!

Watch HERE:

