Unlike ‘Anglo’ countries abroad where owning a car is an expected staple, making such a purchase in an Israeli city like Jerusalem or Bnei Brak is a complicated choice with many pros and cons. With experts speculating that owning a car in Israel amasses an average of 3,000 shekel ($870) in expenses each month, most charedim in particular opt not to. For most, it is simply out of the realm of financial possibility.

A young Jerusalem woman is aiming to do the impossible after a tragic string of events changed her family forever.
Oshrit Elmaliach, 25, is one of 9 siblings. For the past three years, her mother Nili ran the home despite fighting cancer. Her father Yaakov supported the family as a popular speaker & darshan in the Katamon neighborhood. A few months ago, Yaakov suffered a stroke, which left him partially paralyzed and unable to speak.

Join the 10,000-Person ‘Crowd-Learning’ Shmiras Haloshon Campaign
Each of Us Protecting All of Us



Many have been in the same position: Sick, and without answers. When young mother of 5 Chaya Marian went to doctors earlier this year complaining of weakness, she was told that she was fine. Relieved, she returned to her regular routines. Everything changed when massive bloating sent her to the ER, and she was diagnosed with cancer.
“It was like an earthquake for our entire family,” says Chaya, in a touchingly personal video.

The untimely passing of father-of-7 Avraham Gelbman was widely reported on last week byJewish news publications around the world. Readers were moved by the tragedy: Avraham was a Hatzolah and ZAKA volunteer who for years had dedicated himself to responding to emergency situations and saving lives. In a shocking twist, he had a heart attack while driving and passed away in a car crash. He was announced dead at the scene. The Beit Shemesh and Hatzolah communities were deeply shaken.

Campaign Aims to Restore What Was Lost in Devastating School Fire
By Avi Shiff
South Fallsburg.
The name itself conjures up images of a self-contained shtetel, a secluded community perpetuating the timeless mesorah of its founder.
The name represents Torah being lived and taught in purity in the serene and invigorating atmosphere of the Catskill Mountains.
The founding rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedolah Zichron Moshe of South Fallsburg, NY, was Rav Tzvi Abba Gorelick zt”l, who lived a life largely away from the limelight, with few people gaining a glimpse of the true greatness of a person who gave up so much physically and materially to bring about kevod Shomayim. Later he was joined by ybl”c Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel shlit”a.

A chilly February morning. A young man wakes and opens his closet. His hands trace the fabric of his garments, hoping to find something in particular: A suit suitable for his wedding. But the suit has not materialized overnight. Nor have the invitations, the hall, or gowns for his sisters. An apartment to rent lies of his reach, hosting sheva brachos remains an impossibility. Everyone in the family pulls together what they can, but time and time again, they fall short. This is the life of Uriel Brohm.

It was a quiet winter morning this month when 42-year-old Eyal Zuckerman returned from shul feeling ill. He was a generally healthy man and had no major reason for concern. He laid down in bed, and asked his 12-year-old son Hillel to bring him a glass of water. The young boy returned to find his father purple and motionless. What began as a regular day began to spiral into chaos. Emergency responders were called, and Eyal’s death was announced. That was the moment everything changed.
Shocked members of the Tzfat community gathered for the levaya. 

It was a few hours before the entrance of shabbos just over a week ago, as 20-year-old Israeli Neriah Or, his sister, and his kallah finished up a tour of kivrei tzaddikim in the Ukraine. They were in a car on the way to Uman, when the unthinkable happened: A head on collision left their car flipped over, and a Ukrainian passenger in the other car dead. 
In the chaos that followed, all three Israelis were taken to jail. The two young women were released, but Neriah is still being held. He reportedly used his one available phone call to reach his father in Jerusalem. He explained the severity of the situation before the call was disconnected, leaving in the Or family is a state of shock and distress. No one has been able to contact Neriah since.
