Military Religious Freedom Foundation advocacy group had launched campaign for two burial markers to be taken away after Jewish veteran noticed them

North Shore Hebrew Academy site hacked and covered with swastikas and anti-Semitic slurs; state representative: 'Horrific reminder that hatred and anti-Semitism are alive and well'

Police say woman detained for questioning after graffiti of anti-Semitic phrase and symbol found on wall of building in northern city

Taylor Nichols speaks of the challenge of attending to a man who may not have done the same for him, while ultimately doing everything to save the patients life

Jewish leaders hail Liberal Party's decision to give Wandercy Pugliesi the boot: 'It is absurd that there are people who try to make this type of thing flourish'

French interior minister laments 'foul Nazi swastikas in the middle of Paris,' as Georgian-born suspect held for property damage

Police launch investigation into anti-Semitic vandalism, as Germany marks one year since 2 were killed in shooting rampage by neo-Nazi

'We will not be put off by this. We Jews are here, we stay here,' says rabbi after anti-Semitic incident

'Words of condemnation are not enough,' says president, sharing photo of neon yellow Nazi symbol daubed on a car in Bristol

Councilmember says 'only an intolerant person' would think name connected to Nazis, as state senator announces plans to force upstate hamlet's hand
