Tag Meir group hands out flowers in Old City, urges nationalist march be kept out of Muslim Quarter; right-wing organizer insists route not problematic, condemns racist chants

Baharav-Miara says national security minister's appointment 'entails considerable difficulties,' given his criminal past but argues PM is granted 'broad discretion' in such choices

Case cites Ben Gvir's past activity disturbing public order to argue against him being put in charge of police; similar bid to stop Deri nomination ruled 'premature'

Jerusalem's Hadassah hospital 'continues to persecute me,' says Dr. Ahmad Mahajneh, who remains fearful over threats since reports that he gave a terror suspect sweets

Defense minister says he will oppose holding highly charged event on Thursday if it requires extraordinary security measures and endangers public order

Ram Ben-Barak warns planned right-wing parade will ​'ignite the region'; Hamas warns of 'consequences' if march goes through Old City's Damascus Gate

Organizers receive permit for route through Damascus Gate, Muslim Quarter on Thursday amid warnings parade could reignite violence that spiked last month in city

Photos from scene in el-Bireh show charred walls and graffiti on an outer wall of the mosque reading, 'Siege for Arabs, not for Jews'

10 days after arrest of 20-year-old resident of Ariel settlement, during which he was barred from meeting with counsel, judge rules he be placed under house arrest

Tag Meir organization leads group of 200 to Muslim house of worship in the Sharafat neighborhood that was targeted in apparent hate crime over the weekend
