Actor known for playing Luke Skywalker slams president's adviser as 'fraud' after she posts picture of her son in Stormtrooper costume

California lawmaker heading formal inquiry into president's conversation with Ukrainian counterpart has full backing from his party, even after hiccup over mafia boss impersonation

US president lashes out as Democratic-led House moves ahead with its inquiry into abuse of power; civil war tweet draws condemnation from Republican lawmaker

US president says he 'deserves' to meet intelligence officer whose complaint sparked impeachment probe; accuses leader of congressional inquiry of 'treason'

Second-guessing and conspiracy theorizing by president's top aides comes as Congress finalizes testimony by anonymous whistleblower in Ukraine scandal

US president singles out Adam Schiff, Jerrold Nadler and 'the squad' in tweet railing against Democrats over impeachment push

Responding to investigation of claim he tried to strong-arm the Ukrainian president into providing dirt on Joe Biden, US president says Democrats 'want to take away your freedom'

Whereas other scandals faded away in a fog of opaque probes and claims of a witchhunt, president will have a harder time escaping the whistleblower's accusations

Handling of president's calls with other heads of state now at the heart of House Democrats' impeachment inquiry

New report claims president told Russian FM he was unconcerned about Moscow's interference in 2016 election as US did the same in other countries
