Threats include killing legislators or attacking them outside of US Capitol; Some 5-7,000 National Guard troops to remain in DC until mid-March

Some argue that the Senate putting Trump on trial will only fan the flames of conflict, others argue there is no constitutional support for impeaching an ex-president

Schumer announces speedy impeachment, rejecting Senate Republican leader's proposal to push back start of trial to February to give former president time to prepare

Senate GOP leader says time needed to ensure 'full and fair process' following former US president's impeachment for inciting Capitol riot; Pelosi holds ultimate power over timing

Outgoing Senate Republican majority leader accuses US president of feeding the rioters 'lies' about the election and encouraging them to storm the seat of American democracy

Rep. Jamie Raskin, who is leading impeachment effort, says Pelosi will soon send the single article against Trump — for 'incitement of insurrection' — to Senate

In announcing appointment of Lt. Gen. Russel Honore to lead independent probe, speaker says she was moved to act upon watching participation of anti-Semites in riot

10 House lawmakers who joined Democrats now stepping up personal security, wearing body armor; 'Our expectation is that someone may try to kill us,' says Peter Meijer of Michigan

US president-elect expected to unveil his plans for dealing with the pandemic and economy, but will have to get them through a Senate that could be immersed in impeachment trial

Exact timing depends on when Pelosi hands over impeachment articles, but Senate hearings could start an hour after the US president-elect's swearing-in ceremony kicks off
