No. 3 ranked House Republican Liz Cheney, and two others, promise to vote for impeaching Trump, calling his actions in inciting mob the greatest ever 'betrayal' by a US president

Vice president says act not meant as a 'means of punishment or usurpation;' Democrats will now move ahead with impeaching Trump for second time

Boarding plane to border wall in Texas, president says House discussions of removing him over instigation of Capitol riots are 'a really terrible thing'

Speaker recalls lawmakers to Washington for votes, as more Republicans say it's time for POTUS to resign; House resolution urging VP to invoke 25th Amendment blocked by Republicans

Democrat says plans will proceed unless Pence and cabinet agree to oust Trump by invoking the 25th Amendment, declare president incapable of executing the duties of his office

Pat Toomey joins Lisa Murkowski in calling for US president to step down as Democratic House Speaker Pelosi notifies colleagues to prepare for impeachment move this week

Harvard law scholar says it would be his 'honor and privilege' to defend the US president against claims he incited the storming of the Capitol

But Pat Toomey stops short of saying whether he would vote to remove the US president from office if a Senate impeachment trial goes ahead

Mitch McConnell has informed senators that without unanimous consent, January 20 is likely the earliest a trial could begin, overshadowing start of Biden administration

Democrats seeking decisive, immediate action to ensure an 'unhinged' commander in chief can't cause more damage
