The former UN ambassador's latest comments against the former president are a risky move, but she has shown a canny ability to read the political pulse

Trump to House Minority leader: 'Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are'; 'Who the f**k do you think you're talking to?' responds McCarthy

Former president's defense team wraps up its arguments in only 3 hours, calls trial a 'witch hunt' spurred on by 'cancel culture'

Attorneys condemn violent assault of US Capitol, but say former president had no role in 'encouraging, condoning or enticing unlawful activity'

David Schoen opts to don head covering on Senate floor, after explosion of social media questions over solution he found to going yarmulke-less

Pushing for conviction in impeachment trial, House prosecutors highlight how Capitol invaders followed Trump's orders, warn ex-president would stoke fresh violence if given chance

In first full day of arguments, House prosecutors claim former president stirred violence with 'the big lie' — his relentless efforts to sow doubts about the 2020 election results

While Schoen tried to avoid calling attention to his Jewishness by wearing a kippa, his halachically questionable way of reciting a blessing before drinking water did just that

House prosecutors open proceedings with wrenching video of Capitol siege; Trump's lawyers present meandering defense, arguing his actions protected as free speech

Former president, watching proceedings from Florida, says his lawyers look bad on TV, is impressed with Democrats' presentation
