After latest primaries, Hawaii congresswoman says 'it's clear' that Democrats want the former US vice president to run against Trump

Candidate's lone primary victory in American Samoa, beating even local-born Tulsi Gabbard, was an unorthodox and inauspicious culmination to a much-hyped but short-lived campaign

While Democratic presidential candidate says the US president 'violated public trust,' she also criticized the 'partisan process' against him

Warning of Trump re-election, former secretary of state implies Moscow will use its 'favorite' candidate Tulsi Gabbard to divide American electorate

Crowded together onstage, candidates snipe at each others' policies on taxation but stand united on impeachment for Trump

'Think about our other allies, Israel, what do they think now — ‘Donald Trump is not true to our allies,'' presidential candidate says in criticism of US troop withdrawal

Party's rules for whittling down the field have drawn complaints that they are arbitrary and force candidates to pour money into expensive online fundraising

Candidates take shots at front-runner Biden, but also focus on calling out president over racist attacks on Baltimore; foreign policy barely discussed

New York Times says it's testing Democrats’ 'willingness to criticize Israel,' claims 'few candidates' would do so

13 spots submitted to AJC gathering in Washington show field united on combating right-wing extremism, but divided in interpretations of US-Israel alliance