In apparent coalition crisis after remark that God 'hasn't always protected us' in Europe and Ukraine, UTJ MK pans PM's 'ignorance,' blames Zionists for suffering during Holocaust

Amid warnings by ultra-Orthodox parties that coalition will collapse without greater military exemptions for their community, reports signal growing pushback against divisive plan

Senior analyst Haviv Rettig-Gur predicts drama in the upcoming Knesset session, and political reporter Carrie Keller-Lynn considers NYC Mayor Eric Banks's recent visit to Israel

Health Minister Moshe Arbel's comments come as ultra-Orthodox parties adamant about legislating far-reaching draft exemptions for Haredi men

Sides reportedly agree to lower public profile of talks, but continue anonymous mudslinging in press, as Likud edgy about passing such unpopular legislation during overhaul

Ignoring vast public outrage, all 64 coalition MKs backed the first step on Netanyahu's march to neuter the judiciary. Will the Haredi parties' key demand threaten that united front?

Bill planned for Knesset's winter session is reportedly aimed at providing safety net in case High Court strikes down proposed law exempting Haredi youth from army service

Protesters accuse government of looting state coffers to meet demands from Haredi politicians, at demonstration organized by same activists behind anti-judicial overhaul campaign

Disbursements include NIS 3.7b to ultra-Orthodox yeshivas; Treasury warns spending disincentivizes Haredi labor and could lead to huge losses in GDP, higher taxes

Other projects set to receive millions of shekels include education program to counter Jewish assimilation abroad and advice on Orthodox family purity
