Senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur and diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman on the crumbling Palestinian narrative about the Gaza hospital explosion and the social media blame game

US bureau chief Jacob Magid discusses US involvement in Hamas hostage negotiations and Canaan Lidor reports from Netivot, Ofakim and Haifa's port

New policy allows citizens to enter US on expired passports, but doesn't enable return trip back to Israel

Judges strike down State Department appeal over earlier decision child is American despite being conceived with Israeli father's sperm and born in Canada using a surrogate mother

Court rejects State Department position that girl, born to a surrogate in Canada, was born out of wedlock because one of her married parents is not her biological parent

New visa rules aim to minimize number of foreigners who take advantage of American 'birthright citizenship,' a particular area of chagrin for Trump

Officials say Palestinian man hid his conviction and incarceration in Israel for helping terror group during naturalization process

Fifty-one-year-old Vallmoe Shqaire of California to be imprisoned, deported to Jordan for lying to immigration authorities about his role in 1988 terrorist attack