The Islamist party is fuming over ongoing disagreements with interior minister Shaked on legislation that would allow illegally built Arab homes to be supplied with electricity

Proposal backed by coalition's Ra'am party approved 61-48, will return to committee to be approved for final plenum readings

Interior Minister Shaked reaches understandings with Ra'am MK Taha to resolve spat that had held up legislation; opposition Joint List party said planning to back bill

Senior member of the Islamist party tells Kan that 'the main obstacle' has been settled, but other smaller issues remain; critical bills to be brought before November 14 deadline

Walid Taha rebels over interior minister delaying legislation meant to bring electricity to Bedouin homes in unrecognized hamlets, but party reportedly not ready to go mat yet

After Walid Taha says no good would come from toppling the government, terror group says the 'hesitant' remarks 'attest to a disconnection from the Palestinian Arab identity'

Four committee members vote against Walid Taha replacing his party colleague Said al-Harumi, who died last month

Party MKs deny what they are doing is extortion, insist their latest demands were in original coalition agreements, and say they will fight to see them honored

Walid Taha doesn’t specify why Islamist party is taking the step, but sources say Ra’am is upset about coalition’s outreach to Joint List, general disregard for its core demands

Walid Taha calls the legislation, which is testing the nascent coalition, 'racist and anti-democratic'; new government lacks majority to extend 2003 law
