Diplomat's tweet appears to be first time Biden administration weighs in on issue, which has been major source of tension in Israel-Disaspora ties

Responding to multiple court petitions, state says it is working to implement long-stalled, six-year-old cabinet decision, angering both liberal and conservative groups

Labor lawmaker Kariv defends his move, which comes as ultra-Orthodox parties seek to outlaw female-led services at the Jerusalem holy site

As he prepares to leave office, Nachman Shai tells ToI he's proud to have restarted dialogue between Israel and US Jewry, sees Netanyahu as the only hope for maintaining these ties

Organization says it's working to improve security at Jerusalem Old City's 'Ezrat Yisrael' prayer site and better explain its importance to Israelis after disruptions this summer

US correspondent Jacob Magid on tension at the UN Security Council, plus Ilhan Omar; religion writer Judah Ari Gross on Tisha B'av, plus the Jewish Agency under threat in Russia

After zealots overran egalitarian prayers, PM stressed non-Orthodox Jews' right to worship at site, but that will only be proven if cops quash such interruptions on Saturday night

PM tells Seth Mann that the violent protests against his ceremony were 'outrageous' and didn't represent Israel; family says they were encouraged by the premier's call

Compromise resolution voted through unanimously, including with support from ultra-Orthodox rabbi who has previously backed protests against Women of the Wall

Head of New Jersey Federation, Reform leader, and others call for the organization to work with government to improve security after zealots overrun egalitarian section
