First responders declare man dead at the scene; cause of accident not immediately clear
Points: 13
Machine hits man during refurbishment work in community of Nofekh, medics declare him dead at the scene
Points: -27
Man, 40, reportedly falls along with collapsed scaffolding, with firefighters struggling to extract him
Points: 17
Paramedics find man without vital signs, pronounce him dead after resuscitation efforts fail
Points: 1
Firefighters and paramedics extricate people trapped under debris; police say Lahav 433 investigative unit to probe incident
Points: -5
Naftali Edri, a retired electric company worker, had been fishing on pier when winds pushed lifting equipment into sea; authorities still searching for crane operator
Points: -14
Separate fatalities in Ashkelon and Netanya said to bring to 10 the number of people killed in work accidents since the beginning of the year
Points: -10
Both suffer head injuries and are declared dead at scene; labor minister vows to up supervision in effort to stamp out worksite deaths
Points: 7
Victim pronounced dead on the scene after being found underneath heavy slabs in a factory
Police detain driver in his 20s for questioning after work accident
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