Former top Israeli officers say failure to heed alerts only 1 aspect of massive intelligence and political blunders; Cairo official says Israel focused on West Bank instead of Gaza

Terror group had Israel convinced it wasn't interested in war; Hamas source says elite cell jammed signals at IDF base in 1st stage of assault; report claims Iran involved in plans

Yaacov Amidror says recent tensions, changing Middle East landscape and shifting US priorities make a 'deterioration' in the security situation likely

Speaking at Reichman University panel, Amos Yadlin says it was mistake for US to leave 2015 nuclear deal; past NSC head says Washington won't strike Tehran

Trump-era change in US law means high-quality commercial images available; security experts warn it could make Israel more vulnerable

Amid tensions, Yaakov Amidror says Tehran's willingness to use its military capabilities against Israel 'depends on what level they want to produce this encounter'

PM issues warning after Tehran begins restricting access to IAEA inspectors, in further breach of nuke deal; top Israeli officials hold policy meeting as US seeks to reenter accord

Israel demands ballots only in West Bank and Gaza, but hoped-for capital is a red line for the PA, which could use the issue as an excuse to halt the first PA election in 15 years

Kohavi's public denunciation of Biden's intention to rejoin nuke agreement seen as needlessly antagonistic of a brand new White House, possibly motivated by domestic budget fight

Jerusalem worried about reports saying Iran's foe may similarly seek nuclear weapons, but has so far remained silent as it works toward diplomatic relations with the fellow US ally
