Justice minister says government lacks an attorney general due to Gali Baharav-Miara's frequent opposition to it, laments absence of process to appoint new legal adviser
As justices deliberate legislation shielding prime minister, Justice Minister Levin and others argue that even holding a hearing on the matter is illegitimate
Petitioners and attorney general argue that law blocking High Court from removing an incapacitated premier from office is unfit to be part of Israel's constitutional arrangement
PM was ambiguous on how much of the overhaul he regards as 'bad,' but adamant that he'll change the way we choose judges * Why does FM object to Germany's envoy watching our court?
Touted as a tool to fight violent crime in Arab communities, cameras could be deployed in public spaces with minimal oversight; bill also okayed by Justice Ministry legal adviser
Editor David Horovitz on Netanyahu's US trip, and delay of Justice Minister Levin's High Court hearing; military correspondent Emanuel Fabian catches us up on weekend headlines
Weekly demonstrations shifted to Sunday due to Rosh Hashanah; organizers vow to protect Declaration of Independence after government lawyer downplays importance of document
Baharav-Miara sides with justice minister, who decried court for treating initial submission as his substantive argument on matter, but says injunction against him should stand
Zman Yisrael editor Biranit Goren and senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur grapple with what the justice minister's endgame is and the need for a constitution to teach us how to play it
Order switches burden of proof onto justice minister, who tells court it is unable to force him to have committee meet, as he seeks to expand government control of judiciary
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