Ukrainian president also warns 'slower' arms shipments from Western countries threaten counteroffensive; says Russia hopes US presidential elections will reduce support for Kyiv

Bereaved invited to cemetery in St. Petersburg to say farewell to mercenary leader killed in plane crash, months after challenging to Putin's rule

Mercenary leader who led abortive coup likely to be interred in same St. Petersburg cemetery where Putin's parents are buried

Investigative panel says recovered bodies match list of passengers, doesn't give details on what may have downed jet carrying mercenary leader 2 months after attempted mutiny

Decree obliges anyone working for military or supporting the invasion of Ukraine to sign oath of allegiance to Russia

Right-hand man of boss Yevgeny Prigozhin served in Russian military during Chechen wars, led mercenary group's military operations since about 2014

Over the years, political critics, turncoat spies and investigative journalists have been killed or assaulted in a variety of ways

Preliminary US intelligence assessment says plane was downed by an intentional explosion as revenge for recent rebellion against Putin

In preliminary assessment, American officials tell Reuters jet apparently hit by a surface-to-air missile fired within Russia

Kremlin does nothing to deny widespread assumption that Wagner leader's plane crash was an act of revenge by Putin for leading an aborted uprising
