Communications minister's reported initiative comes as government advances controversial bid to enable censorship of posts deemed 'incitement'

Until 2018, Israel kept Palestinian providers from installing 3G networks, and it could be years before 4G tech is rolled out, even as 5G becomes standard among Israeli competitors

Justice Minister Gideon Sa'ar says gap between existing legislation and tech advancements only widening, will seek to form effective measures to protect privacy, economy

Team of experts reportedly to be appointed by communications minister will seek to also force social media giants to explain censorship, algorithms

New Hope's Sa'ar and Hendel stress there is no Palestinian partner for peace; unnamed senior official reported to suggest defense minister trying to bring down government

Minister says Biden administration's criticism won't make Jerusalem change policy; family of Yehuda Guetta to file suit demanding seizure of killer's assets in US, West Bank

Starting in 2022, home internet consumers will pay just one company for access; communications minister: No more bouncing between companies for tech support

Incoming coalition marks changing of the guard, pushing younger media-savvy politicians, many of whom were the premier's apprentices, into power

After prime minister makes cryptic remark during Likud faction meeting, two right-wing parties of emerging government dismiss notion he will vacate office

Agreements between 8 parties represent a tapestry of policy arrangements aimed at pleasing the diverse and sometimes conflicting ideologies within the would-be-government
