A most unusual sight in Flatbush quickly set social media ablaze yesterday as people witnessed something quite extraordinary. A caravan of Hatzoloh ambulances and other vehicles from multiple neighborhoods were spotted speeding through Kensington heading towards the Prospect Expressway. With lights ablaze, enquiring minds found it hard to fathom what kind of horrific event was unfolding that necessitated such a large response. For those in the know however, nothing could have been further from the truth. For most, the annual pilgrimage to say Tashlich between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is a routine event, a rite of passage of sorts, one often recorded annually for posterity. For some, Tashlich has the potential to be the event of a lifetime.

HaGaon HaRav Moshe Shternbuch delivered a chizzuk shiur at the famed Chevron Yeshivah in the Givat Mordechai neighborhood of Jerusalem on Tuesday. HaRav Shternbuch began his remarks with an explanation of the avodah on Yom Kippur. “Every sin pollutes the neshamah and sullies it. The entire year, Hakadosh Baruch Hu only ‘forgives’ a person but on Yom Kippur, He not only forgives but also purifies our neshamah.” HaRav Shternbuch then spoke about the painful question that preoccupies many people during these days – what’s the point if many people don’t end up fulfilling the kabbalos they accept on Yom Kippur?

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan was the only diplomat who protested the speech of the “Butcher of Tehran” – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi – at the General Assembly Hall on Tuesday. Erdan held up a photo of Mahsa Amini, who was murdered a year ago by Iranian police after being arrested for not wearing a hijab properly. Erdan was subsequently removed from the hall by UN security guards and detained for several minutes. “New moral stain for the UN‼️” Erdan wrote on Twitter.

Israel’s Defense Ministry and the IDF on Tuesday revealed the Barak tank, Israel’s 5th generation Merkava battle tank, after an over-five year process of development and production. The Barak battle tank is considered to be the most advanced in the world, with advanced technological capabilities, including Al-based intelligence capabilities. The Barak tank commander will wear an “IronVision” high-tech helmet that generates real-time images of the tank’s surroundings. “The system will allow 360-degree scanning by moving the head and locating targets in real-time with the help of artificial intelligence capabilities,” the Defense Ministry stated. The first models have been delivered to the 52nd Armored Battalion of the 401st Brigade.

In a rare interview with Fox News, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) offered insights into ongoing negotiations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, hinting at the possibility of a normalization agreement. However, he underscored the enduring importance of the Palestinian issue within the context of these discussions. During the interview, which aired on Wednesday, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman conveyed a sense of optimism regarding the diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, stating, “Every day we get closer.” These words hinted at the advancing talks aimed at establishing diplomatic ties between the two nations. The Saudi Crown Prince also addressed the looming concern of Iran’s nuclear aspirations.

The vile former prime minister Ehud Barak said in an interview with CBS in New York on Tuesday that some people may lose their lives in the “civil rebellion” against the current government. Barak said: “We will block this attempt on the life of Israel’s democracy and we will win. It might take time, ups and downs, some people might lose their lives along the way.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Tuesday evening on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York. It was Zelensky’s first meeting with an Israeli prime minister since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. At the start of the meeting between the two leaders, Zelenskyy said, “I expect a lot from Israel, but there are no problems in our relationship.” According to a Reshet Bet report on Wednesday morning, during the meeting, Zelensky urged Netanyahu to increase Israeli aid to Ukraine and provide it with military equipment. Netanyahu replied that there are “systemic difficulties” in doing so given the delicate relations with Russia. Finally, it was agreed that Israel would increase humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

Tens of thousands of children from all across the globe will storm shaarei shomayim on behalf of Klal Yisroel during Misaskim’s annual Aseres Yemei Teshuva asifa on Wednesday, September 20th – a gathering started by legendary askan R’ Yanky Meyer z”l. As in recent years, the main assembly will be held at 1 PM in the Bobover beis medrash on 15th Avenue and 47th Street, where thousands of boys will be davening together and will be joined by gedolim, roshei yeshiva and rabbonim. Hundreds of boys’ and girls’ schools worldwide will be taking part in the asifa via satellite hookup, with more than 12,000 children participating in Boro Park alone.

Boro Park Shomrim took down a violent criminal on Tuesday night, after the suspect bludgeoned a victim before robbing him at a train station. The incident unfolded at the train station located at New Utrecht and 43rd Street, when the perp approached a man and hit him over the head with a metal wrench, knocking him unconscious and causing a severe head injury. The perp then robbed the man before fleeing. A female bystander who watched the violent robbery take place began shouting for help, and her cries were heard by nearby Shomrim members, who immediately sprang into action. Video from the scene shows multiple Chasidic men clad in black and white giving chase to the suspect before the footage ends.

In the first-ever meeting between the two leaders, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the sidelines of the 78th UN General Assembly in New York on Tuesday evening. Mossad chief Dedi Barnea also participated in the meeting, which was held at the Turkish Embassy at the UN. The meeting was closed to the media.
