A leftist mob in Tel Aviv violently attacked Rav Yigal Levinstein, the head of the pre-military mechinah in Eli, and Yisrael Zeira, the head of the Rosh Yehudi organization, on Tuesday evening in Tel Aviv. The leftists were protesting against Zeira in the wake of the decision of the Tel Aviv municipality to ban mechitzos at the Yom Kippur tefillah led by Rosh Yehudi at Dizengoff Square every year. The frenzied mob attacked the two men as Rav Levinstein left a building where he delivered a shiur. The men had to be protected from the crowd, who tried hitting and kicking them, and verbally assaulted them, by police officers. Some of the protesters even tried hitting them with their flagpoles. Anyone who passed by the area who was wearing a yarmulke was attacked as well.

Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau delivered a shiur at Yeshivas Mir in Yerushalayim on Tuesday. Following the shiur, the Rosh Yeshivah spoke words of chizzuk to the bochurim and avreichim in preparation for Yom Kippur. At the end of the visit, HaRav Landau held a long meeting with the Roshei Yeshivos of the Mir. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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A recent 60 Minutes episode featured an interview with four members of the Israeli Achim L’Neshek (Brothers in Arms) protest group, which is not only one of the leading groups in the anti-government protests but is also responsible for the anti-Chareidi protests that took place in Bnei Brak and Jerusalem and the protests outside the homes of government figures. The protest activists not only had no qualms about slandering the Israeli government to the world with their meaningless statements about the “end of democracy” but they even adopted the worst lies of Israel’s enemies, that “Israel is an occupier that kills children.” Likud MK Ariel Kallner responded by stating: “I saw the full 60 Minutes episode and here are two things that the Israeli media for some reason did not quote: 1.

The violent riots by hundreds of Palestinians on the Gazan-Israeli border resumed on Tuesday afternoon for the fifth consecutive day. IDF forces fired tear gas and live fire after Gazans hurled explosives at the security fence. One Palestinian was killed and nine were injured, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry. Several Palestinians even crossed the security fence. Israel closed Erez Corssing, the only pedestrian crossing out of the Strip into Israel, on erev Rosh Hashanah for safety reasons.

A Lebanese citizen was recently arrested after releasing a pro-Israel video on TikTok. In the video, he responded to “Your favorite Arab country” by choosing Israel over Lebanon. The video began circulating on social media and shortly later, he was arrested by Lebanese security officials. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Ezrachi, Rosh Yeshivas Mir, delivered a teshuvah sichah on Monday at the Nishmas HaTorah yeshivah, a small yeshivah high school in Givat Shaul, Kikar H’Shabbat reported. HaRav Ezrachi related that his father-in-law, HaGaon HaRav Chaim Shmuelevitz, z’tl, told him that his Rabbanim at the Mir told him that an eitzah to be zocheh in din during the Yamim Noraim is to have compassion on others. “The great challenge of the Yamim Noraim is to transform the midas hadin into the midas harachamim,” the Rosh Yeshivah said.

Foreign Minister Eli Cohen traveled to Bnei Brak the night before Rosh Hashanah to receive a bracha from HaGaon HaRav Meir Tzvi Bergman. At the start of the meeting, the Rosh Yeshivah mentioned the tefillah recited on Yom Tov of “אתה בחרתנו מכל העמים” – and requested that Cohen emphasize Jewish identity during his trips abroad. Cohen, who departed to New York on Monday, where he will attend the 78th UN General Assembly, said that he is in the final stages of completing the speech he will deliver at the assembly and would like to quote the Rosh Yeshivah. HaRav Bergman agreed and gave Cohen a bracha for hatzlacha, saying: “ה’ עוז לעמו ייתן, ה’ יברך את עמו בשלום” – explaining that Chazal say that “עוז” is Torah. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu flew to the US overnight Sunday for a week-long visit and met with billionaire Elon Musk at the Tesla factory in Fremont, California around noon EST.  The prime minister will then fly to New York, where he will meet with  US President Joe Biden and other world leaders at the UN General Assembly. Prior to his departure, Netanyahu spoke to the press about the left-wing protesters waiting for him in the US, saying: “Nothing surprises me anymore. Those organizing these protests are well-funded – these are well-funded and organized protests that cross all red lines. They’ve led to the blocking of major highways as if it’s something normal, as if the violent harassment of public figures is apparently normal, as if IDF refusal is normal.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry filed an official complaint with the German government against German Ambassador to Israel Steffan Seibert for attending the Supreme Court’s hearing on the reasonableness law last week. The ministry was outraged at the ambassador’s attendance at the hearing – a move perceived as an attempt to interfere in Israel’s internal affairs. Seibert posted a video from the courtroom in which he stated in Hebrew: “I think something important is happening to Israel’s democracy. As friends of Israel, we look at the Supreme Court with great interest.” This isn’t the first time that Seibert has kindled the ire of Israel’s Foreign Ministry.

It was just a year ago when Chesed of Flatbush (COF) launched as a small but ambitious initiative to assist local residents with medical-related needs. Now, just 12 short months later, the organization has blossomed into a massive, multi-faceted operation that is already a critical organization in the Flatbush community. Over the past year, Chesed of Flatbush has assisted thousands of residents, with hundreds pieces of medical equipment out on loan at any given time. More than a million dollars has been spent on purchasing state-of-the-art medical equipment, and multiple vehicles have been procured to assist the organization’s 70 volunteers get equipment to homes where they are needed on a moment’s notice.
