Sen. Bernie Sanders is having trouble wriggling himself out of a corner after selling tickets to an touting his new book – which decries capitalism – for a whopping $95. Sanders was confronted about it by CBS’ Margaret Brennan, who asked about the high price for the event, which highlighted his book, named, most ironically, “It’s Okay to Be Angry About Capitalism.” “Tickets for your tour apparently are selling for $95 on Ticketmaster, which is accused of anti-competitive behavior. You know that, some of your [fellow] Democrats are criticizing them. Aren’t you benefiting from the same system you’re trying to dismantle?” Brennan asked. Sanders defended himself by saying that he doesn’t make money from it.

An unusual show of unity took place last week on the 97th birthday of the Posek HaDor, HaGaon HaRav Moshe Shternbuch. In honor of the occasion, dozens of kohanim from various streams of Klal Yisrael, including yeshiva bochurim from Yeshivas Chevron and Toldos Aharon, gathered at HaRav Shternbuch’s home to be mevareich the Posek HaDor with Birchas Kohanim during Shacharis. The event was planned by HaRav Avraham Yeshayahu Stern, a mekurav of Gedolei Yisrael and a resident of Har Nof, where HaRav Shternbuch lives. Following Shacharis, HaRav Shternbuch spoke words of chizzuk in the wake of the recent calamities in Israel and the world.

US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides said last week that the Biden administration is telling Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to slow down his government’s planned changes to Israel’s judicial system. Speaking on CNN’s The Axe Files podcast, Nides said: ” That’s what we’re doing now, we’re telling the prime minister, as I tell my kids, pump the brakes, slow down, try to get a consensus, bring the parties together. It’s very complicated, they’re trying to do things way too fast and pump the brakes.

Hundreds of people gathered on Motzei Shabbos at the Ohel Yosef shul in the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem for an atzeret chizzuk and tefillah following the end of the shiva for the kedoshim of the Ramot terror attack.

CBS’ Margaret Brennan interviewed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on Face the Nation Sunday. The following is a transcript of the interview. MARGARET BRENNAN: I want to ask you about some issues on foreign policy. CIA Director Bill Burns recently said that the uptick in violence in Israel and Palestinian territories reminds him of the last Intifada – that there could be an explosion of violence. Israel now has the most right wing government it’s had in years. Do you think that democracy is in peril in Israel right now? SEN. SANDERS: I do. I am very worried about what Netanyahu is doing and some of his allies in government and what may happen to the Palestinian people. And let me tell you something, I mean, I haven’t said this publicly.

Following the visit of Foreign Minister Eli Cohen to Ukraine last week, a video was revealed on Motzei Shabbos of Cohen speaking to HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein about his trip. Earlier this month, Cohen had visited HaRav Edelstein the day after he returned from his historical trip to Sudan, and had apparently consulted with the Rosh Yeshivah about his upcoming trip to Ukraine. Cohen asked HaRav Edelstein if the Rosh Yeshivah has a message to convey to the Jewish kehillah in Ukraine.

The United States has determined that Russia has committed crimes against humanity in Ukraine, Vice President Kamala Harris said Saturday, insisting that “justice must be served” to the perpetrators. Speaking at the Munich Security Conference, Harris said the international community has both a moral and a strategic interest in pursuing those crimes, pointing to a danger of other authoritarian governments taking advantage if international rules are undermined. “Russian forces have pursued a widespread and systemic attack against a civilian population — gruesome acts of murder, torture, rape, and deportation,” Harris said.

Senior Israeli diplomat Sharon Bar-Li and all the members of the Israeli delegation were expelled from the African Union’s annual summit in Ethiopia, Walla and Reuters reported. The severe diplomatic incident occurred at the event’s opening ceremony when members of the security forces stationed in the hall asked the Israeli delegates to leave. According to a report by the Lebanese Al Mayadeen website, the decision to expel the Israeli delegates was made after pressure exerted by South Africa and Algeria on the members of the Union.

A Jewish teen in Miami, Florida was seriously injured when members of a Catholic school’s soccer team brutally attacked and beat him while shouting anti-Semitic slurs at him. Bystanders say that the assailants – all of them students at Archbishop Coleman Carroll High School in Miami [a Roman Catholic school] – yelled blood-curdling epithets throughout the beating, including “Hitler was right” and expletive-filled slurs about Jews. The victim, a student at the Scheck Hillel school, was pushed to the ground by members of the Catholic team before being kicked multiple times in the face, seriously injuring him. A cleat spike from one of the Catholic players became lodged in one of the victim’s eyes.

New York Rep. Ritchie Torres, a proud supporter of Israel, demolished an anti-Israel mob that claimed Israel was carrying out a genocide against Palestinians. The Congressman calmly explained to the protestors that a genocide would imply that a group of people are being systematically killed. However, he pointed out, the number of Palestinians in Israel has grown exponentially since Israel’s founding. When the hecklers brought up US funding for Israel’s Iron Dome, Torres made a open-and-shut case for funding it. He explained that the Iron Dome is a purely defensive weapon that can only be used to shoot down rockets being fired at civilians. Torres said he’s “proud” to be a supporter of such a fantastic defensive weapon. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
