Special thanks to Ari Gross and the Adas Israel Shul of Passaic NJ and its Congregants for making this Music Video possible! Stream or Download “L’chai Olamim” Spotify – https://open.spotify.com/album/5IdQQl… Apple Music – https://music.apple.com/us/album/lcha… Producer: Matt Dubb Vocals: Mordechai Shapiro, Benny Friedman Songwriter/Composer: Matt Dubb Vocal Studios: Doni Gross, Ruli Ezrachi Music Video: Motty Berkowitz Artwork By: Moshe Bienenfeld Label: Dubbs Records, FMG Records Video Credits: Producer| Motty Berkowitz Coloring| Rafi Barides Thumbnail| Yechiel Landman Gaffer| David Alexander Set Assistants| Shlomo Goldstien, Tzvi KK, Moshe Leib Gross
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