The leaders of Israel and the United States aired their differences on how to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons Thursday even as President Joe Biden pledged America’s “ironclad commitment” to Israel’s security. During a joint news conference in Jerusalem at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Jerusalem, Prime Minister Yair Lapid says the international community must be willing to use force against Iran in order to halt its nuclear program. “The only thing that will stop Iran is knowing that if they continue to develop their nuclear program, the free world will use force,” he said. “The only way to stop them is to put a credible military threat on the table.” “It should not be a bluff, but the real thing,” Lapid continues.

Israeli government ministers were informed in the days prior to the arrival of US President Joe Biden on Wednesday that the usual greeting ceremony on the tarmac will not be held. In past presidential visits, government ministers lined up and the president would shake hands and exchange a few words with each one. This was eliminated for Biden’s visit due to “scheduling pressures, COVID, and the heat.” Instead, government ministers and opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu gathered on the side, and Biden was led there after the initial greeting ceremony for a photo. Biden exchanged fist bumps and a few words with some ministers but when he spotted Netanyahu, he stopped for a longer exchange and took his hand for a lengthy handshake.

Shocking footage shows the moment that a pair of gunmen opened fire on a street in Brownsville on Monday evening, nearly hitting a disabled girl sitting in a wheelchair. The video shows the gunman turning onto Junius Street from Liberty Avenue at around 7:40 pm and simultaneously raising their guns and unleashing a hail of bullets apparently aimed at a man riding a scooter. The target scrambled off his scooters and fled, but nobody has come forward to police to report the shooting. Police have not identified the two gunmen, who are described as having slim builds, and at the time were wearing face masks, gray hoodies, gray pants, and white sneakers. Neither the disabled girl nor the woman with her reported any injuries. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

New York City on Monday launched a nuclear attack preparedness public service announcement, telling its residents that it is important to prepare for a potential nuclear strike on the Big Apple. “While the likelihood of a nuclear weapon incident occurring in/near New York City is very low, it is important New Yorkers know the steps to stay safe,” the Department of Emergency Management said in a statement. The department also released a video providing New Yorkers with tips of what to do in the unlikely event of a nuclear attack. “So there’s been a nuclear attack,” the video’s narrator says. “Don’t ask me how or why. Just know that the big one has hit. OK. So what do we do?” The tips are simple and straightforward: 1. Get inside a building immediately and move away from windows 2.

The father of Jaoquin Oliver, a victim of the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in 2018, heckled President Biden during remarks Monday celebrating the passage of a bipartisan gun bill. “You have to do more than this!” Manuel Oliver yelled at the president. His son Joaquin was a 17-year-old student at the Parkland, Florida, high school when he was gunned down on February 18, 2018. “You have to open an office in the White House!” “I’ve been trying to tell you this for years and years!” he added. Oliver was escorted from the event, which was held on the South Lawn of the White House, by security after yelling at the president. The president attempted to get Oliver to quiet down before security took him out. “Sit down! You’ll hear what I have to say,” Biden said. “We have one.

An Orthodox Jewish man is Bichasdei Hashem alive after his airplane caught fire while taxiing on the runway in a new Jersey Airport. Emergency officials tell YWN that at approximately 3:25 p.m. Linden Emergency Dispatch was notified of a plane on fire at the Linden Municipal Airport, 1101 W. Edgar Rd. First responders arrived on scene and quickly located a 2003 Fixed-wing, single-engine aircraft engulfed in flames on the taxiway. The fire was quickly extinguished by Linden Fire Department personnel. The sole occupant of the plane, a 40-year-old Boro Park resident, exited the plane before emergency personnel arrived. He was transported to St. Barnabas Burn Center with burns to his arms and lower extremities. Sources tell YWN that he made it out of the airplane with seconds to spare.

We were overwhelmed and so grateful when the last BIKE4KEF rider rode into the finish-line at Hendon Park at 6.30pm this past Sunday afternoon. Months of planning culminated in KEF’s biggest ride yet, with 267 riders participating in a choice of 3 routes – 50km, 100km and 100 miles. The weather was perfect, the excitement was infectious and injuries were minimal. The route was supported by a large expert team of marshals, medics and mechanics with pitstops along the route and a control centre led by Nochum Dewhurst, Yuda Vorhand and their team, the day passed without a hitch. The day culminated in a finish-line celebration at Hendon Park, where riders arrived to be greeted by their families and the KEF children.

Republican New York gubernatorial nominee Rep. Lee Zeldin was in Kensington on Wednesday to attend the walkout ceremony of his running mate, 70th Precinct Commanding Officer Allison Esposito. Outside the walkout, Zeldin was asked about his stance on yeshivos by veteran Hamodia reporter Reuvain Borchardt. “The state is wrong to be pushing the substantial-equivalency standards,” Zeldin said without hesitation. “As we see here in Brooklyn, with yeshiva education, they’re providing a high-quality education for a lot of young boys and girls here in the community. And having access to choice and options is something that should be embraced in Albany.

A family was lucky to escape with their lives after an entire box of fireworks rockets exploded on their front lawn during a party, causing everyone to scatter in terror. The incident, which occurred on July 4th, was all caught by a home security camera, and is so morbidly picture-perfect that SimpliSafe, the company that makes the camera, had to put out a statement stating that it wasn’t a publicity stunt for the company. As seen in the footage, when the first firework goes off, the family screams in a mixture of fear and surprise, with a mother moving her baby away, and a young child yelps as he’s apparently hit by an exploding shell. Seemingly thinking that the explosions were done, the family remains on the lawn, but then all chaos breaks loose.

A shocking incident took place this morning when a landscaper working at a frum home in Detroit was struck and pinned against the home by a vehicle being driven by a deranged woman angry at the workers for refusing to give her a quote. The incident occurred when employees of Jasman Landscaping were innocently whacking weeds Tuesday morning at a home on Hilton Street, smack in middle of the frum community in Southfield, Michigan. The woman reportedly drove up onto the sidewalk to yell at the workers, then between two houses, before striking the landscaper and pinning him up against the home. But that wasn’t enough for her; she then got out of the vehicle and began pulling the landscaper’s hair.
