More than a week after a residential building partially collapsed in Surfside, Florida, the chances of finding people alive under the rubble are “close to zero,” said Col. Golan Vach, commander of the Israeli National Rescue Unit that is helping the search and rescue efforts. “I’m realistic, but we are still full of hope. This hope keeps us very active, and we scale up each day,” he said Monday. “We wake up in the morning … with a lot of energy to find the loved ones, alive or not alive.” As the search and rescue efforts were paused during the demolition process, Vach said his team used the time to update the last location of people that were found and those questioned. (Source: CNN)

Reform Rabbi and Labor MK Gilad Kariv’s appointment as the head of the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee was confirmed last week. The influential committee carries much power over matters of religion and state, including the supervision of the Rabbanut and Batei Din. In the course of a committee meeting, Kariv said: “We stand behind the opposition to a Reform Chief Rabbi because we don’t believe in the need for the Rabbanut.” Shas MK Moshe Arbel retorted: “You don’t believe. Period.” Shas MK Aryeh Deri spoke from the Knesset plenum prior to Kariv’s appointment, noting that the greatest threat to the Jewish people is assimilation. “Unfortunately we see the proof that when kehillot are makpid to preserve the mesoret, there is virtually no assimilation.

Demolition crews set off explosives late Sunday to bring down the damaged remaining portion of a collapsed South Florida condo building, a key step to resuming the search for victims as rescuers possibly gain access to new areas of the rubble. Crews were to begin clearing some of the new debris so rescuers could start making their way into parts of the underground garage that is of particular interest. Once there, rescuers are hoping that they will gain access for the first time to parts of the garage area that are a focus of interest, Miami-Dade Assistant Fire Chief Raide Jadallah has said. That could give a clearer picture of voids that may exist in the rubble and could possibly harbor survivors.

The NYPD and Williamsburg Shomrim are investigating a disturbing incident, where multiple vehicles were found vandalized on Sunday. The vehicles were parked in a lot on Division Avenue and Kent Avenue. All the vehicle had their windows smashed, and graffiti sprayed on the inside and outside of the vehicles. Many of the vehicle are buses owned by local Yeshivas. Security camera footage captured some of the perps on one of the buses.
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Prime Minister Naftali Bennett spoke about the Gaza Strip during the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday, including the IDF strikes conducted overnight in response to the launching of arson balloons on Friday and Shabbos. Bennett added that that the days of the transfer of “suitcases of dollars” from Qatar to Hamas are over. “We’re working on a solution to enable humanitarian assistance to Gaza residents, but without suitcases of dollars,” he said. “The suitcases of dollars are something we inherited and need to stop.” A Palestinian media report on Sunday said that the United Nations had agreed to oversee the disbursement of Qatari funds in the Gaza Strip.

Israel carried out airstrikes on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip overnight Motzei Shabbos in response to the launching of incendiary balloons on Friday and Shabbos. IAF fighter jets struck a Hamas weapons manufacturing plant and a rocket launching site, the IDF spokesperson stated. It’s the second time this week that the IAF struck Gaza in response to the launching of incendiary balloons. תיעוד לתקיפות צה"ל, הלילה ברצועת עזה: — צבא ההגנה לישראל (@idfonline) July 3, 2021 “Last night, the IDF carried out a strike in Gaza in response to incendiary balloons,” Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said on Sunday morning. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, at the weekly Cabinet meeting:Last night, the IDF carried out a strike in Gaza in response to incendiary balloons.

Rescue efforts at the site of a partially collapsed Florida condominium building resumed Thursday evening, about 15 hours after the work was halted out of concern about the stability of the remaining structure, the mayor said. Surfside Mayor Charles Burkett said he did not know why officials decided to restart the search. Rescuers left the pile of rubble shortly after 2 a.m. after crews noticed widening cracks and up to a foot of movement in a large column. “Finding missing loved ones continues to be at the forefront of our operations,” Miami-Dade Fire Rescue tweeted soon after search efforts resumed. The stoppage threatened to keep search teams off the rubble pile and dim hopes for finding anyone alive in the debris a week after the tower came down.

Miami-Dade County Fire Chief Alan Cominsky said during the initial search and rescue efforts hours after the collapse, teams did hear the voice of a female trapped in the Surfside condo rubble – however they were unable to reach her. During a news conference on Thursday, Cominsky was asked about a female voice that was heard in the first few hours after the collapse. He said they heard “audible sounds” of a female voice during their initial search and rescue efforts while working underneath the condo structure. Cominsky said they heard the woman’s voice for several hours and kept searching until she could no longer be heard. “Eventually we didn’t hear her voice anymore, we continued to search,” he said. “Again… that’s emphasizing the magnitude of what we’re going through.”

Rescue efforts at the site of a partially collapsed Florida condominium building were halted Thursday out of concern about the stability of the remaining structure, officials said. Search crews that have been atop the pile of rubble for the last week stopped work shortly after 2 a.m., Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava told a news conference. The stoppage came on the same day that crews and relatives of those still missing were scheduled to meet with President Joe Biden in a visit that many hoped would provide some measure of comfort to a devastated community.

The Biden administration’s handle on Iranian relations and the potential for Middle Eastern warfare could be a real threat to Israel and national security, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., revealed Tuesday on “Hannity.” GRAHAM: The Iranians are playing President Biden like a fiddle. The ayatollah is a religious nazi. Hitler wanted a master race. The ayatollah wants to master religion. They’re trying to drive us out of Syria and Iraq so they can dominate Syria, Iraq and Iran, the Shia crescent. They’re trying to build a nuclear weapon to hold the world hostage and one day destroy the state of Israel. They’re on the path to accomplish all that unless we make a correction now.
